/*********************************************************************** Brief editor emulation for Borland/Turbo Pascal IDE. This file contains a Turbo Editor Macro Language (TEML) script which emulates the Brief programmer's editor in the Borland/Turbo Pascal IDE. A complete description of the TEML language and the Turbo Editor Macro Compiler (TEMC) can be found in the file "UTIL.DOC". The TEMC compiler can be invoked from the DOS command line as follows: temc [-c] brief.tem <.CMD><.TP> The optional -c switch can also be specified as /c, and can appear in any argument position on the command line. If you use this option, any existing command table in your configuration file is thrown away before the script file is merged with those already defined. The configuration file extension must be specified as TEMC will modify both DOS and Windows IDEs config files. Specify .CMD or .TP extentions for Windows or DOS IDE, respectively. If the .CMD file does not exist, it will be created. The .TP file must exist, or an error is displayed. Most of the simple Brief commands have been fully implemented. Most of the complex commands have been either partially implemented or not implemented at all. Below is a list of the commands that have been fully or partially implemented. IDE Binding Brief Command Comments ----------- --------------- ------------------------- F4 Close Window Closes the current window F5 Search F6 Replace F10 Command Activates system menu Shift-F5 Search Backward Repeats previous search Option to go backward can be selected Shift-F6 Repeat Replace Repeats previous replace Option to go backward can be selected Ins Paste Scrap Pastes current clipboard selection Del Delete Deletes current character only PgDn Page Down PgUp Page Up UpAr Cursor Up DnAr Cursor Down Star Undo Plus Copy to Scrap Copies block to clipboard Minus Cut to Scrap Cuts block to clipboard Ctrl-D Scroll Down Ctrl-E Scroll Up Ctrl-G Routines Activates the search menu Find function can be selected here Ctrl-N Next Error Ctrl-P Error list Moves to previous error Ctrl-K Delete To BOL Deletes to beginning of line Ctrl-U Redo Ctrl-W Toggle Backup Activates Options menu Backup files can be toggled here Ctrl-F5 Case Sensitivity Selects search dialog box Case sensitivity can be toggled here Ctrl-F6 Toggle Regular Exp. Selects search dialog box Regular expressions can be toggled here Ctrl-bksp Delete Prev Word Alt-A Drop anchor Sets beginning of block Alt-B Buffer List Lists ALL open windows Alt-C Column mark Sets beginning of *non-column* block Alt-D Delete line Alt-E Edit File Alt-G Goto line Activates the search menu Goto line can be selected here Alt-H Help Context sensitive help Alt-I Toggle Insert Alt-J+0 Goto BookMark(0) Only marks 0-5 are supported Alt-J+1 Goto BookMark(1) : Alt-J+2 Goto BookMark(2) : Alt-J+3 Goto BookMark(3) : Alt-J+4 Goto BookMark(4) : Alt-J+5 Goto BookMark(5) by this macro file Alt-K Delete To EOL Alt-L Mark Line Alt-M Mark Sets beginning of block Alt-N Next Buffer Cycles to next open window Alt-O New output file Activates file menu Save as... can be selected here Alt-P Print Block Alt-Q Quote Insert literal character Alt-R Read Block Alt-S Search Alt-T Replace Alt-U Undo Alt-V Version Activates system menu About can be selected here Alt-W Write File Alt-X Quit Alt-Z DOS Shell Activates the file menu OS Shell can be selected here Alt-0 Set BookMark(0) Alt-1 Set BookMark(1) Alt-2 Set BookMark(2) Alt-3 Set BookMark(3) Alt-4 Set BookMark(4) Alt-5 Set BookMark(5) Alt-F2 Zoom Window Alt-F5 Incremental Search Prompts for search string IDE does not support inc. search Alt-F6 Translate Backwards Prompts for replace string Option to go backward can be selected Alt-F10 Compile File Alt-BkSp Delete Next Word ****************************************************************/ /******* Macros ********/ MACRO MacScrollUp ScrollScreenUp; FixCursorPos; END; MACRO MacScrollDown ScrollScreenDown; FixCursorPos; END; MACRO MacPageUp FixScreenPos; PageScreenDown; FixCursorPos; END; MACRO MacPageDown FixScreenPos; PageScreenUp; FixCursorPos; END; MACRO MacDeleteLine DeleteLine; LeftOfLine; END; MACRO MacTopOfScreen SetPrevPos; TopOfScreen; END; MACRO MacBottomOfScreen SetPrevPos; BottomOfScreen; END; MACRO MacHomeCursor SetPrevPos; HomeCursor; END; MACRO MacEndCursor SetPrevPos; EndCursor; END; MACRO MacOpenLine RightOfLine; LiteralChar(13); END; MACRO MacSetBlockBeg HideBlock; SetBlockBeg; END; MACRO MacSetBlockEnd HideBlock; SetBlockEnd; HighlightBlock; END; MACRO MacMarkLine HideBlock; SetTempPos; RightOfLine; CursorCharRight; SetBlockEnd; CursorCharLeft; LeftOfLine; SetBlockBeg; HighlightBlock; MoveToTempPos; END; MACRO MacMarkWord HideBlock; SetTempPos; CursorRight; WordLeft; RightOfWord; SetBlockEnd; WordLeft; SetBlockBeg; HighlightBlock; MoveToTempPos; END; MACRO MacMoveToBlockBeg SetPrevPos; MoveToBlockBeg; CenterFixScreenPos; END; MACRO MacMoveToBlockEnd SetPrevPos; MoveToBlockEnd; CenterFixScreenPos; END; MACRO MacMoveToPrevPos SwapPrevPos; CenterFixScreenPos; END; MACRO MacCopyBlock CopyBlock; HideBlock; CenterFixScreenPos; END; MACRO MacMoveBlock MoveBlock; HighlightBlock; CenterFixScreenPos; END; MACRO MacBreakLine LiteralChar(13); CursorCharLeft; END; MACRO MacDeleteNextWord WordRight; MacMarkWord; DeleteBlock; CenterFixScreenPos; END; MACRO MacDeletePrevWord WordLeft; MacMarkWord; DeleteBlock; CenterFixScreenPos; END; MACRO MacDeleteToBOL SetPrevPos; LeftOfLine; SetBlockBeg; MoveToPrevPos; SetBlockEnd; DeleteBlock; CenterFixScreenPos; END; /******* Brief Key Bindings ******/ F4 : CloseWindow; F5 : GetFindString; F6 : Replace; F10 : Menu; Shift-F5 : RepeatSearch; Shift-F6 : RepeatSearch; Ins : ClipPaste; Del : DeleteChar; PgDn : MacPageDown; PgUp : MacPageUp; UpAr : CursorUp; DnAr : CursorDown; Star : Undo; Plus : ClipCopy; Minus : ClipCut; Ctrl-D : MacScrollDown; Ctrl-E : MacScrollUp; Ctrl-G : SearchMenu; Ctrl-N : NextError; Ctrl-P : PrevError; Ctrl-K : MacDeleteToBOL; Ctrl-U : Redo; Ctrl-W : OptionsMenu; Ctrl-F5 : GetFindString; Ctrl-F6 : GetFindString; Ctrl-bksp : MacDeletePrevWord; Alt-A : SetBlockBeg; Alt-B : WindowList; Alt-C : MacSetBlockBeg; Alt-D : MacDeleteLine; Alt-E : OpenFile; Alt-G : SearchMenu; Alt-H : Help; Alt-I : ToggleInsert; Alt-J+0 : MoveToMark(0); Alt-J+1 : MoveToMark(1); Alt-J+2 : MoveToMark(2); Alt-J+3 : MoveToMark(3); Alt-J+4 : MoveToMark(4); Alt-J+5 : MoveToMark(5); Alt-K : DeleteToEOL; Alt-L : MacMarkLine; Alt-M : SetBlockBeg; Alt-N : NextWindow; Alt-O : FileMenu; Alt-P : PrintBlock; Alt-Q : LiteralChar; Alt-R : ReadBlock; Alt-S : GetFindString; Alt-T : Replace; Alt-U : Undo; Alt-V : SystemMenu; Alt-W : SaveFile; Alt-X : Quit; Alt-Z : FileMenu; Alt-0 : SetMark(0); Alt-1 : SetMark(1); Alt-2 : SetMark(2); Alt-3 : SetMark(3); Alt-4 : SetMark(4); Alt-5 : SetMark(5); Alt-F2 : ZoomWindow; Alt-F5 : GetFindString; Alt-F6 : GetFindString; Alt-F10 : CompileFile; Alt-BkSp : MacDeleteNextWord;