Script EPSILON; /*********************************************************************** Epsilon editor emulation for Borland/Turbo Pascal IDE. This file contains a Turbo Editor Macro Language (TEML) script which emulates the Epsilon programmer's editor in the Borland/Turbo Pascal IDE. A complete description of the TEML language and the Turbo Editor Macro Compiler (TEMC) can be found in the file "UTIL.DOC". The TEMC compiler can be invoked from the DOS command line at follows: temc [-c] epsilon.tem <.CMD><.TP> The optional -c switch can also be specified as /c, and can appear in any argument position on the command line. If you use this option, any existing command table in your configuration file is thrown away before the script file is merged with those already defined. The configuration file extension must be specified as TEMC will modify both DOS and Windows IDEs config files. Specify .CMD or .TP extentions for Windows or DOS IDE, respectively. If the .CMD file does not exist, it will be created. The .TP file must exist, or an error is displayed. Most of the simple Epsilon commands have been fully implemented. Most of the complex command have been either partially implemented or not implemented at all. The TEML macros names correspond to the names in the Espilon default macro set. Below is a list of the commands that have been fully or partially implemented. IDE Binding Epsilon Command Comments ----------- --------------- ------------------------- Ctrl-B backward_character Ctrl-H backward_delete_character Alt-B backward_word Ctrl-A beginning_of_line Home beginning_of_window Ctrl-L center_window Alt-W copy_region Esc+@w copy_region Ctrl-D delete_character Ctrl-N down_line Tab do_c_indent Ctrl-E end_of_line End end_of_window Ctrl-X+Ctrl-X exchange_point_and_mark Ctrl-X+Ctrl-C Quit; Ctrl-X+Ctrl-Z exit_level Leaves editor - Enables Menus Ctrl-X+Ctrl-F find_file Ctrl-F forward_character Alt-F forward_word Esc+@f forward_word Ctrl-Home goto_beginning Esc+< goto_beginning Ctrl-End goto_end Esc+> goto_end Ctrl-X+@i insert_file Ctrl-K kill_line Uses Block-copy - Allowing yanking Ctrl-W kill_region Ctrl-X+0 kill_window Alt-D kill_word Does not allow for yanking Esc+d kill_word Esc+D kill_word Ctrl-X+@m make Alt-X named_command Ctrl-X+Ctrl-N next_error Ctrl-V next_page Ctrl-O open_line Alt-V previous_page Esc+@v previous_page Ctrl-Q quoted_insert Ctrl-X+@r redo F10 redo Ctrl-S+Ctrl-S RepeatSearch Ctrl-X+@u undo F9 undo Ctrl-X+Ctrl-S save_file Alt-Z scroll_down Esc+@z scroll_down Ctrl-Z scroll_up Ctrl-X+Ctrl-M set_mark Ctrl-S string_search Ctrl-P up_line Ctrl-X+@w write_region Ctrl-Y yank Alt-Y yank_pop Displays the Clipboard ********************************************************************/ /******************************************************************* TEML SCRIPTS TO EMULATE EPSILON FROM THE BORLAND C++ IDE *******************************************************************/ macro backward_character CursorSwitchedLeft; end; macro backward_delete_character BackSpaceDelete; end; macro backward_word WordLeft; end; macro beginning_of_line LeftOfLine; end; macro beginning_of_window TopOfScreen; end; macro center_window SetTempPos; ScrollScreenUp; CenterFixScreenPos; ScrollScreenDown; CenterFixScreenPos; PageScreenUp; CenterFixScreenPos; PageScreenDown; CenterFixScreenPos; MoveToTempPos; end; macro copy_region HideBlock; SwapPrevPos; SetBlockBeg; SwapPrevPos; SetBlockEnd; HighlightBlock; ClipCopy; end; macro delete_character DeleteChar; end; macro do_c_indent LiteralChar( 9 ); end; macro down_line CursorDown; end; macro end_of_line RightOfLine; end; macro end_of_window BottomOfScreen; end; macro exchange_point_and_mark SwapPrevPos; CenterFixScreenPos; end; macro exit_level Quit; end; macro find_delimiter MatchPairForward; end; macro find_file OpenFile; end; macro forward_character CursorSwitchedRight; end; macro forward_level MatchPairForward; end; macro forward_word WordRight; end; macro goto_beginning HomeCursor; end; macro goto_end EndCursor; end; macro insert_file SetPrevPos; HideBlock; ReadBlock; end; /* The kill_line Macro does not use the built-in DeleteToEOL TEML macro */ /* but rather makes a highlighted block out the line, cuts the block into */ /* the clipboard, thereby allowing 'yank'ing of deleted lines. This method*/ /* however, requires that delete_character be used when empty lines ( lines*/ /* containing only a LineFeed character ) are to be deleted... */ macro kill_line SetTempPos; SetBlockBeg; end_of_line; SetBlockEnd; MoveToTempPos; HighlightBlock; ClipCut; end; macro kill_region SwapPrevPos; SetBlockBeg; SwapPrevPos; SetBlockEnd; HighlightBlock; ClipCut; end; macro kill_window CloseWindow; end; macro kill_word DeleteWord; end; macro make MakeProject; end; macro named_command Menu; end; macro next_error NextError; end; macro next_page PageDown; end; macro next_window NextWindow; end; macro open_line LiteralChar( 13 ); CursorSwitchedLeft; end; macro previous_page PageUp; end; macro query_replace Replace; end; macro quoted_insert LiteralChar; end; macro save_file SaveFile; end; macro scroll_down ScrollScreenDown; FixCursorPos; end; macro scroll_up ScrollScreenUp; FixCursorPos; end; macro set_mark HideBlock; SetPrevPos; end; macro string_search SearchMenu; end; macro up_line CursorUp; end; macro write_region HideBlock; SwapPrevPos; SetBlockBeg; SwapPrevPos; SetBlockEnd; HighlightBlock; WriteBlock; end; macro yank HideBlock; ClipPaste; end; macro yank_pop ClipShow; end; Ctrl-B :backward_character; Ctrl-H :backward_delete_character; Alt-B :backward_word; Ctrl-A :beginning_of_line; Home :beginning_of_window; Ctrl-L :center_window; Alt-W :copy_region; Esc+@w :copy_region; Ctrl-D :delete_character; Ctrl-N :down_line; Tab :do_c_indent; Ctrl-E :end_of_line; End :end_of_window; Ctrl-X+Ctrl-X :exchange_point_and_mark; Ctrl-X+Ctrl-C :Quit; Ctrl-X+Ctrl-Z :exit_level; Ctrl-X+Ctrl-F :find_file; Ctrl-F :forward_character; Alt-F :forward_word; Esc+@f :forward_word; Ctrl-Home :goto_beginning; Esc+< :goto_beginning; Ctrl-End :goto_end; Esc+> :goto_end; Ctrl-X+@i :insert_file; Ctrl-K :kill_line; Ctrl-W :kill_region; Ctrl-X+0 :kill_window; Alt-D :kill_word; Esc+d :kill_word; Esc+D :kill_word; Ctrl-X+@m :make; /* The following is a non-Epsilon MACRO which can be usefully combined with */ /* the insert_file macro to compensate for the fact that TEML's ReadBlock */ /* internal MACRO leaves point at the beginning of the block just read. */ /* Epsilon leaves point at the end of the block inserted. This MACRO allows*/ /* one to quickly move to the end of the block inserted... */ Ctrl-X+Ctrl-K :Begin MoveToBlockEnd; center_window; HideBlock; End; Alt-X :named_command; Ctrl-X+Ctrl-N :next_error; Ctrl-V :next_page; Ctrl-O :open_line; Alt-V :previous_page; Esc+@v :previous_page; Ctrl-Q :quoted_insert; Ctrl-X+@r :redo; F10 :redo; Ctrl-S+Ctrl-S :RepeatSearch; Ctrl-X+@u :undo; F9 :undo; Ctrl-X+Ctrl-S :save_file; Alt-Z :scroll_down; Esc+@z :scroll_down; Ctrl-Z :scroll_up; Ctrl-X+Ctrl-M :set_mark; Ctrl-S :string_search; Ctrl-P :up_line; Ctrl-X+@w :write_region; Ctrl-Y :yank; Alt-Y :yank_pop; /* These need to be redefined or TEMC needs to be changed to accept them Alt-, :beginning_of_window Alt-. :end_of_window; Alt-) :find_delimiter; Ctrl-Alt-F :forward_level; Alt-< :goto_beginning; Alt-> :goto_end; Alt-End :next_window; Esc+End :next_window; Alt-% :query_replace; Esc+% :query_replace; Ctrl-@ :set_mark; */