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If you need information on using the Help system, return to the Help menu and choose Using Help.'t¼$ €€œ€‚ÿ×z•“]#Š€öY¢>€€Žœã¦˜6€‡"€‰€‚ÿ €€Žœã¦˜6‰‚ÿÿÿEssentials and concepts you'll need to know for working with WinSight, including what messages WinSight traces.¢E¼5]#Š€ŒY¢8€€Žœã¢k€‡"€‰‚ÿ&€ €Žœã¢k€‰‚ÿÿÿTasks and procedures you need to know when using WinSight.v“«]#Š€4Y¢>€€Žœãü!¿€‡"€‰€‚ÿ €€Žœãü!¿‰‚ÿÿÿMenu Commands.²x5]: D€ð€8°Èœ€‚€€€€€€‚‚ÿShortcut: Use the Search button at the top of this Help window if you're ready to look for something by name.; «˜1…ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ˜âEssentials4 ]Ì' €€<œ°œœ€‚ÿEssentialsO(˜' €P€:˜°œœ€‚ÿWhat you need to know to use WinSightÇ}ÌâJ d€ú€8°Èœã4+±d€‰‚ãWÖVãæ ?‰‚ãN¤“扂ã,?þ‰‚‚‚ÿControling the WinSight desktopMessages tracked by WinSightUsing the KeyboardUsing the MouseUsing WinSight61QZÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ3 Tasks/âG' €€<œ°œœ€‚ÿTasks ™Ss ´€3€8°Èœã¨€‰‚ãa#ú=‰‚ã4+±d‰‚ãç{‰‚ãû0$‰‚ãWÖVã¦B䟉‚ã=L ‹‰‚ãGÌAú‰‚ãN¤“扂ãæ ?‰‚ÿChoosing panes (Class List, Window Tree, Message Trace) for display Choosing which messages to trace Controling the WinSight desktop Displaying, expanding, or collapsing Window Tree pane entries Displaying window details Seeing what messages WinSight tracks Locating Windows Tracing Messages Turning real-time updating of panes on and off Using the Mouse Using the Keyboard àG3 C T€;€8°Èœã,?þ€‰‚ãþ£v‰‚ãÁÇ?ð‰‚ã]£4‰‚‚ÿUsing WinSight Understanding the Window Tree pane format Understanding the Class List pane format Understanding the Message Trace pane format @Ss 1pÿÿÿÿ:ÿÿÿÿs £ Using the mouse93 ¬ ' €$€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿUsing the mousec<s  ' €x€8°Èœ€‚‚ÿHere's a list of actions and mouse and menu equivalents._,¬ n 3 6€X€x°ñƒœ|„eñ€ƒƒ€‚ÿDesired actionWith the mouseWith menus, š ) "€€8zÚœQ€‚ÿ˜)n 2 o ¬€S€x°ñƒœ|„eñ€ƒ‚ƒ‚ƒƒã²Û,b€‰€‚ƒƒã|éÝü€‰€‚ƒƒã°;Ê[€‰€‚ƒƒãGð剀‰€‚‚ÿSelect an itemLeft clickToggle highlighted itemCtrl+left clickShow details of itemLeft double-clickSpy|Open DetailExpand window treeRight click on <+>Tree|Expand BranchLeft click on <+>Tree|Expand One LevelCollapse window treeLeft click on <->Tree|CollapseBranchqJš £ ' €”€8°Èœ€‚‚ÿYou can also use the mouse to resize the WinSight window or the panes.C2 æ 1Jÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿæ ³@Using the keyboard<£ " ' €*€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿUsing the keyboardf?æ ˆ ' €~€8°Èœ€‚‚ÿHere's a list of actions and keyboard and menu equivalents.b/" ê 3 6€^€x°„œ[|„e€ƒƒ€‚ÿDesired actionWith the keyboardWith menus,ˆ ) "€€8zÚœQ€‚ÿê £p ®€;€x°„œ[|„e€ƒ‚ƒ‚ƒ‚ƒƒã°;Ê[€‰€‚ƒƒã|éÝü€‰€‚ƒƒãWZw€‰€‚ƒƒãGð剀‰€‚ÿSelect an itemUp or down arrowMove selection barCtrl+up or down arrowToggle highlighted itemSpacebarExpand one level+Tree|Expand One LevelExpand branch*Tree|Expand BranchExpand tree completelyCtrl+*Tree|Expand AllCollapse branch-Tree|Collapse Branch/Ò, (€€x°„œ[|‚€‚ÿÕ«£³@* "€W€8°Èœ€‚‚‚‚ÿTheÒ³@£ right and left arrows scroll horizontally.Use Tab or F6 to move the focus between panes. Use Shift+Tab or Shift+F6 to switch the focus in the opposite direction.1Òä@1Zÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿä@ A)³@ A& €€8°Èœ€‚ÿGä@TA1óÿÿÿÿçÿÿÿÿTADUsing WinSight summary8 AŒA' €"€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿUsing WinSightµ~TAAC7 <€ý€8°Èœ€‚‚ãÒßff‰€‚‚‚ÿWinSight is a tool that gives you information about window classes, windows, and messages. You can use it to study how any application creates classes and windows, and to see how windows send and receive messages.When you use WinSight to study applications, you use the Window Tree pane.When you use WinSight to watch which Windows messages get sent to which windows, you–RŒA×CD X€¤€x°þœ\‚~€ƒã¦B䟀‰€‚ƒã=L ‹€‰€‚ÿfind the window(s) you want to watchtrace the messages that get sent)ACD& €€8°Èœ€‚ÿ@×C@D1@€Ï„ÿÿÿÿ@D@EFinding windows9DyD' €$€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿFinding windowsÇ…@D@EB R€ €8°Èœ€ã8åÀ8€‰€‚‚ãô¥e¨€‰€‚‚ÿWinSight has a special mode, Find Window mode, for locating windows. You use Spy|Find Window to enter Find Window mode.AyDE1~ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿE¾HFind Window mode:@E»E' €&€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿFind Window modepHE+F( €€8°Èœ€‚‚‚ÿFind Window mode locates windows.When you're in this mode, WinSightлE=GB R€¡€x°þœ\‚~€€ƒãÒßff‰€‚€€ƒ‚ÿ-identifies the line in the Window Tree pane that corresponds to a window you point at with your mouse, or-highlights the windows that corresponds to the entry you select in the Window Tree pane.*+FgG' €€x°þœ\€‚ÿW#=G¾H4 6€G€8°Èœ€ã¨Z€‰€‚‚ÿOnce you've located the window you want, you leave Find Window mode by clicking the mouse button, or by pressing Escape. This removes the border from the screen and leaves the current window selected in the Window Tree pane. (If you press Enter, you'll see the Window Detail window.)AgGÿH1çÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿÿH¿JTracing messages:¾H9I' €&€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿTracing messages†8ÿH¿JN j€q€8°Èœ€ã¦B䟀‰€ãÒßff‰€‚‚ãa#ú=€‰€‚‚ÿOnce you've located the window (s) you want to trace messages for in the Window Tree pane, you can trace messages going to that window.You can trace messages for a selected window or windows, for all windows, or for entire classes of windows. Use the Messages menu to configure message tracing.19IðJ1\ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿðJK+¿JK' €€8°Èœ€‚‚ÿQ ðJlK1Uÿÿÿÿí‚ ÿÿÿÿlK|‚WinSight menu commands (summary)@K¬K' €2€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿWinSight Menu Commands‘klK=L& €Ö€8°Èœ€‚ÿHere's a list of the menus and menu commands in WinSight. The menus are listed in the order they appear.@¬K}L. ,€$€>˜ˆ°¤œã4+±d€‰‚ÿControl menu ÓQ=LPM‚ Ô€¢€XœG+‚EãóãNA€‰€‚ã(@€‰€‚ãð\ €‰€‚ãy=€‰€‚ãl΀‰€‚ãõG~ª€‰€‚ãÑNh€‰€‚ÿRestoreMoveSizeMinimizeMaximizeCloseSwitch to; }L‹M. ,€€>˜ˆ°¤œãû0$€‰‚ÿSpy menus*PMþMI b€T€8°Èœã²Û,b€‰€‚ãô¥e¨€‰€‚ãu<€‰€‚ÿOpen DetailFind WindowExit<‹M:N. ,€€>˜ˆ°¤œã¨€‰‚ÿView menu½ZþM÷Nc –€´€8°ÈœãˆÖ €‚ã`çõ¿€‰€‚ãð{-[€‰€‚ã¨qƒ3€‰€‚ãþºÚ`€‰€‚ÿClass ListWindow TreeMessage TraceSplit HorizontalSplit Vertical<:N3O. ,€€>˜ˆ°¤œãç{€‰‚ÿTree menu¡K÷NÔOV |€–€8°Èœã°;Ê[€‰€‚ã|éÝü€‰€‚ãWZw€‰€‚ãGð剀‰€‚ÿExpand One LevelExpand BranchExpand AllCollapse Branch@3O €. ,€$€>˜ˆ°¤œãa#ú=€‰ÔO €K‚ÿMessages menuÒbÔOò€p °€Ä€8°Èœã'ê¿Â€‰€‚ã:(‡€‰€‚ã¿k߀‰€‚ãÓ·Ú€‰€‚ã²€‰€‚ãá €‰€‚ÿTrace OffSelected ClassesSelected WindowsAll WindowsClearOptions...V! €H5 :€B€>˜ˆ°¤œãGÌAú€‰‚ãV‰‚ÿStop! and Start!Help menu €ò€S‚‹ 䀀8°ìœã:~Ì¡€‰€‚ãn{!¼€‰€‚ãÅhO€‰€‚ã7rŒ$€‰€‚ã««¸€‰€‚ã•œ[Ø€‰€‚㱞m·€‰€‚ãá«ÙÕ€‰€‚ÿIndex Finding WindowsTracing MessagesMenu CommandsKeyboardMouseUsing HelpAbout WinSight)H|‚& €€8°Èœ€‚ÿ9S‚µ‚1­í‚j ÿÿÿÿµ‚)„Spy menu2 |‚ç‚' €€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿSpy menuͤµ‚´ƒ) €I€8°Èœ€‚‚‚ÿThe Spy menu is where you display more details for a window, locate the window for which you want to trace messages, or exit WinSight.The Spy menu commands areu+ç‚)„J d€V€8°ìœã²Û,b€‰€‚ãô¥e¨€‰€‚ãu<€‰€‚‚ÿOpen DetailFind WindowExit@´ƒi„1_ÿÿÿÿ— ÿÿÿÿi„ˆ†Spy|Open Detail9)„¢„' €$€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿSpy|Open Detailæ¥i„ˆ†A P€K€8°Èœ€‚‚ã<ýÝ€‰€ã¨Z€‰€‚ÿUse Spy|Open Detail to display more detail about the selected class or window.When you choose this command, you'll see either the Class Detail window or the Window Detail window. The window that's displayed depends on the current active pane, indicated by the dotted rectangle. Additional information about the details present in the Open Detail windows is available in the Object Windows Programming Guide.@¢„Ȇ1=à9ÿÿÿÿȆŇSpy|Find Window9ˆ†‡' €$€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿSpy|Find WindowÄȆŇ4 6€!€8°Èœ€ã8åÀ8€‰€‚‚ÿUse Spy|Find Window to locate the window for which you want to trace messages. When you choose this command, you enter Find Window mode.9‡þ‡1´—ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿþ‡yˆSpy|Exit2 Ň0ˆ' €€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿSpy|ExitI"þ‡yˆ' €D€8°Èœ€‚‚ÿUse Spy|Exit to exit WinSight.10ˆªˆ1\ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿªˆÕˆ+yˆÕˆ' €€8°Èœ€‚‚ÿ: ªˆ‰1ñóƒÿÿÿÿ‰ÆŠView menu3 ÕˆB‰' €€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿView menuʼnŠ5 8€!€8°Èœ€ã¾­8€‰€‚‚‚ÿThe View menu is where you choose what panes WinSight displays in its main window and how they are displayed.Here are the View commands¿[B‰ÆŠd ˜€¶€8°ìœãˆÖ €‚ã`çõ¿€‰€‚ãð{-[€‰€‚ã¨qƒ3€‰€‚ãþºÚ`€‰€‚‚ÿClass ListWindow TreeMessage TraceSplit HorizontalSplit VerticalEŠ ‹1ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ‹ÙŒWindow panes summary8ÆŠC‹' €"€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿWinSight panesb< ‹¥‹& €x€8°Èœ€‚ÿWinSight can display three panes within its main window. }3C‹"ŒJ d€f€8°ìœãV®Õ€‰€‚ãÒßff‰€‚ã’ÆЛ€‰€‚‚ÿClass ListWindow TreeMessage Trace·¥‹ÙŒ( €€8°Èœ€‚‚ÿWinSight automatically tiles the panes within the main window. You can choose to look at any or all of the panes. You can also resize them.@"Œ1ÿÿÿÿÃ…ÿÿÿÿêŽView|Class List9ÙŒR' €$€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿView|Class List˜`êŽ8 >€Á€8°Èœ€ãV®Õ€‰€‚‚‚‚‚‚ÿYou use the View|Class List command to display the Class List pane.This command is a toggle. If the Class List pane is displayed, choosing this command hides the pane.Note: the term "class" refers to the class name with which the window class was registered with Windows via the RegisterClass API function. It does not refer to C++ classes.@R*1‚ÿÿÿÿ(€ÿÿÿÿ*xÁClass List pane9êŽc' €$€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿClass List pane‰H*øÀA P€‘€8°Èœ€‚‚ã²Û,b€‰€ã<ýÝ€‰€‚ÿThe Class List pane shows all the currently registered window classes. You can see more icøÀêŽnformation about a window class by double-clicking the window class in the Class List pane, by selecting the window class and pressing Enter, or by selecting it and choosing Spy|Open Detail. You'll see the Class Detail window.3 c+Á( €€>˜ˆ°¤œ€‚ÿSee AlsoMøÀxÁ0 0€:€8°ÈœãÁÇ?ð€‰€‚‚ÿClass List pane formatG+Á¿Á13âÞ„ÿÿÿÿ¿Á«ÇClass List pane format@xÁÿÁ' €2€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿClass List pane formatd1¿ÁcÂ3 6€b€8°Èœ€ãV®Õ€‰€‚‚ÿHere's the format of the Class List pane:G!ÿÁªÂ& €B€8°ìœ€‚ÿClass (Module) Function Styles)cÂÓÂ& €€8°Èœ€‚ÿ™fªÂlÅ3 4€Í€x°ý€œO‚ü€ƒ‚‚ƒ‚‚ƒ‚ÿClassThe name of the window class. Some predefined Windows classes have numeric names. These classes are shown with the number and a name. The diamond next to each window class shows whether the window class has any children. If it is hollow, there are no children. The diamonds invert color momentarily when the window receives a message.If the diamond contains a plus sign, there are children but they are hidden. To expand and see the children, click on the diamond, or select the window and press +. To expand to show all levels of child windows select a window and click with the right mouse button.ßÓ‚Ç7 <€¿€x°ý€œO‚ü€‚ƒ‚‚ƒ‚‚ƒ‚‚ƒ‚ÿIf it contains a minus sign, there are children and they are visible. To hide the children again, click on the diamond, or select the parent window and press -.ModuleThe name of the executable module (.EXE or .DLL) that registered the class.Function The address of the class window function.Styles A list of the CS_ styles for the class. The names are the same as the CS_xxxxxx definitions in WINDOWS.H, except that the CS_ is removed and the name is in mixed case.)lÅ«Ç& €€8°Èœ€‚ÿD‚ÇïÇ1x(€Š†ÿÿÿÿïÇ#ÉClass Detail window=«Ç,È' €,€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿClass Detail window÷ÏïÇ#É( €Ÿ€8°Èœ€‚‚ÿThe Class Detail window shows detailed information about the selected window class. Information about the additional information in the Detail window can be found in the Object Windows Programming Guide.A,ÈdÉ1ep¢ÿÿÿÿdɈÊView|Window Tree:#ÉžÉ' €&€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿView|Window Treeê´dɈÊ6 :€i€8°Èœ€ãÒßff‰€‚‚‚‚ÿYou use the View|Window Tree command to display the Window Tree pane.This command is a toggle. If the Window Tree pane is displayed, choosing this command hides the pane.AžÉÉÊ1æÞ„‰ÿÿÿÿÉÊnÎWindow Tree pane:ˆÊË' €&€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿWindow Tree pane­„ÉÊ°Ë) € €8°Èœ€‚‚‚ÿThe Window Tree pane displays the hierarchy of windows on the desktop. This is the default display. You can use this display toÌËÂÌF Z€™€x°þœ\‚~€€ƒ‚€€ƒ‚€€ƒ‚€€ƒ‚ÿ-determine what windows are actually present-see the status of windows, including hidden windows-see which windows are receiving messages-select the windows you want to trace messages for+ë°ËíÍ@ N€×€8°Èœ€‚ã²Û,b€‰€ã¨Z€‰€‚ÿYou can see more information about a window by double-clicking the window item in the pane, selecting the window item and pressing Enter, or by selecting it and choosing Spy|Open Detail. You'll see the Window Detail window.3 ÂÌ Î( €€>˜ˆ°¤œ€‚ÿSee AlsoNíÍnÎ0 0€<€8°Èœãþ£v€‰€‚‚ÿWindow Tree pane formatH ζÎ1„ Š†ÿÿÿÿ¶ÎèWindow Tree pane formatAnÎ÷Î' €4€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿWindow Tree pane formate2¶Î\Ï3 6€d€8°Èœ€ãÒßff‰€‚‚ÿHere's the format of the Window Tree pane:T.÷ΰÏ& €\€8°ìœ€‚ÿTree Handle {Class} Module Position "Title"–b\ÏR4 6€Å€x°ý€œO‚ü€‚ƒ‚‚ƒ‚‚ƒ‚ÿTreeThe lines on the left°ÏRnÎ of the pane show the window tree structure. Each window is connected to its parent, siblings, and children. The diamond next to each window class shows whether the window class has any children. If it is hollow, there are no children. The diamonds invert color momentarily when the window receives a message.If the diamond contains a plus sign, there are children but they are hidden. To expand and see the children, click on the diamond, or select the window and press +. To expand to show all levels of child windows select a window and click with the right mouse button.6ÿ°Ïˆ7 <€ÿ€x°ý€œO‚ü€‚ƒ‚‚ƒ‚‚ƒ‚‚ƒ‚ÿIf it contains a minus sign, there are children and they are visible. To hide the children again, click on the diamond, or select the parent window and press -.If a window has child windows that are collapsed out of the tree display, that window's diamond shows message activity for the collapsed children.HandleThe window handle as returned by CreateWindow.ClassThe name of the window class. Some predefined Windows classes have numeric names. These classes are shown with the number and a name. 7R¿4 6€€x°ý€œO‚ü€‚ƒ‚‚ƒ‚‚ƒ‚ÿModuleThe name of the executable module (.EXE or .DLL) that created the window. PositionThe window's position. If the window is hidden, the text "(hidden)" is displayed. If it is visible, (xBegin,yBegin)-(xEnd,yEnd) is displayed. For top-level windows, these are screen coordinates. For child windows, they are coordinates within the parent window's client area. TitleThe window title or text, as returned by GetWindowText or a WM_GETTEXT message. If the title is the null string, the quotes are omitted.)ˆè& €€8°Èœ€‚ÿE¿-11‰qÿÿÿÿ-Window Detail window>èk' €.€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿWindow Detail window®†-( € €8°Èœ€‚‚ÿThe Window Detail window shows detailed information about the selected window in addition to information about the window's class.Ck\1oÃ…5ƒÿÿÿÿ\ˆ View|Message Trace<˜' €*€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿView|Message Traceðº\ˆ 6 :€u€8°Èœ€ã’ÆЛ€‰€‚‚‚‚ÿYou use the View|Message Trace command to display the Message Trace pane.This command is a toggle. If the Message Trace pane is displayed, choosing this command hides the pane.C˜Ë 1ª0ÿÿÿÿË 2 Message Trace pane<ˆ  ' €*€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿMessage Trace pane¨Ë ¯ ) €ÿ€8°Èœ€‚‚‚ÿThe Message Trace pane displays information about messages received by selected windows or windows classes.Messages received via SendMessage are shown twice, once when they are sent and again when they return. Dispatched messages are shown once only, since their return value is meaningless. The message display is indented to show how messages are nested within other messages.3  â ( €€>˜ˆ°¤œ€‚ÿSee AlsoP ¯ 2 0 0€@€8°Èœã]£4€‰€‚‚ÿMessage Trace pane formatJâ | 1´qÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ| íCMessage Trace pane formatC2 ¿ ' €8€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿMessage Trace pane formath5| ' 3 6€j€8°Èœ€ã’ÆЛ€‰€‚‚ÿHere is the format of the Message Trace pane:U/¿ | & €^€8°ìœ€‚ÿHandle "Title"-or-{Class} Message Status ...X' Ô; D€;€x°!œ+‚!€‚ƒ‚‚ƒ‚‚ƒ‚‚ƒ‚‚ƒ‚ÿHandleThe window handle receiving the message.TitleThe window's title. If the title is a null string, the class name is displayed in curly braces.MessageThe message name as defined in WINDOWS.H. Known undocumented Windows messages are shown in lower case. Unknown message numbers (user-defined) are shown as: WM_USER+0xXXXX if they are greater than or equal to WM_USER or WM_0xXXXX if they are less than WM_USER.Registered message numbers (from RegisterWindowsMessage) are shown with their registered name in single quotes.H| (@. ,€4€x°!œ+‚!€‚ƒÔ(@2 ‚ÿStatusOne or more of:ÔÔ6B: B€©€x°e‚œ¿~‚e€ƒ‚ƒ‚ƒ‚€€ƒ‚ÿDispatchedThe message was received via DispatchMessageSent [from XXXX]The message was received via SendMessage. If it was sent from another window, "from XXXX" gives that window's handle. If it was sent from the same window receiving it, this is shown with "from self". If it was sent from Windows itself, the "from" phrase is omitted. ReturnsThe message was received via SendMessage and is now returning....Additional information specific to each message.^(@ÃC/ ,€½€x°‰‚œ^‚‰€ƒ‚ƒ‚ÿIf a returning message, the return value, either in numeric form, or with more specific information for messages such as WM_GETTEXT. If a sent and dispatched message, the message parameters. WinSight interprets the parameters to give a readable display. If a message has associated data structures, those structures are included in the display.*6BíC' €€x°Èœ^€‚ÿFÃC3D1¢˜ƒÿÿÿÿ3DðDView|Split Horizontal?íCrD' €0€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿView|Split Horizontal~K3DðD3 6€–€8°Èœ€ã¾­8€‰€‚‚ÿUse View|Split Horizontal to stack the panes on top of one another.DrD4E1ö5ƒÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ4EæEView|Split Vertical=ðDqE' €,€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿView|Split VerticaluB4EæE3 6€„€8°Èœ€ã¾­8€‰€‚‚ÿUse View|Split Vertical to display the panes side by side.1qEF1Zÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿF@F)æE@F& €€8°Èœ€‚ÿ: FzF1ñjOˆ!ÿÿÿÿzF1HTree menu3 @F­F' €€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿTree menuº…zFgG5 8€ €8°Èœ€ãÒßff‰€‚‚‚ÿYou use the Tree menu to display, expand, or collapse window entries in the Window Tree pane.Here are the Tree menu commands¡K­FHV |€–€8°ìœã°;Ê[€‰€‚ã|éÝü€‰€‚ãWZw€‰€‚ãGð剀‰€‚ÿExpand One LevelExpand BranchExpand AllCollapse Branch)gG1H& €€8°Èœ€‚ÿFHwH1ùÿÿÿÿ&†"ÿÿÿÿwH*JTree|Expand One LevelC1HºH' €8€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿTree|Expand One Level (+)p8wH*J8 >€q€8°Èœ€ãÒßff‰€‚‚‚‚‚‚ÿUse Tree|Expand One Level to expand an entry one level in the Window Tree pane.A plus sign in the diamond next to an entry indicates that the window has children but they are hidden.When a window has more than one level of child windows, you can use this command repeatedly to show additional levels.CºHmJ1tÒ„ú†#ÿÿÿÿmJžKTree|Expand Branch@*J­J' €2€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿTree|Expand Branch (*)ñ»mJžK6 :€w€8°Èœ€ãÒßff‰€‚‚‚‚ÿUse Tree|Expand Branch to expand an entire branch in the Window Tree pane.A plus sign in the diamond next to an entry indicates that the window has children but they are hidden.@­JÞK1&†r‡$ÿÿÿÿÞK°LTree|Expand AllBžK L' €6€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿTree|Expand All (Ctrl+*)]ÞK°L3 6€º€8°Èœ€ãÒßff‰€‚‚ÿUse Tree|Expand All to expand all entries that are collapsed in the Window Tree pane.E LõL1zú†ÿÿÿÿ%ÿÿÿÿõL*NTree|Collapse BranchB°L7M' €6€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿTree|Collapse Branch (-)ó¾õL*N5 8€}€8°Èœ€ãÒßff‰€‚‚‚ÿUse Tree|Collapse Branch to collapse an entire branch in the Window Tree pane.A minus sign in the diamond next to an entry indicates that the window's children are currently hidden.17M[N1\ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ&ÿÿÿÿ[N†N+*N†N' €€8°Èœ€‚‚ÿ> [NÄN1 óƒÈ'ÿÿÿÿÄN}Messages menu7†NûN' € €<œ°¦œ€‚ÿMessages menuÆÄNÁO) €;€8°Èœ€‚‚‚ÿThe Messages menu is where you choose the types of messages you want to trace for the selected window(s).You can configure WinSight to trace messages byŽIûN[€E Z€’€x°þœ\‚~€€ƒ‚€€ƒ‚€€ƒ‚€ÁO[€†N€ƒ‚ÿ-window-window class-message type-a combination of theseN'ÁO©€' €N€8°Èœ€‚‚ÿHere are the Messages menu commandsÔc[€}q ²€Æ€8°ìœã'ê¿Â€‰€‚ã:(‡€‰€‚ã¿k߀‰€‚ãÓ·Ú€‰€‚ã²€‰€‚ãá €‰€‚‚ÿTrace OffSelected ClassesSelected WindowsAll WindowsClearOptions...J©€Ç1Tÿÿÿÿ'(ÿÿÿÿÇуMessages|Selected ClassesC} ‚' €8€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿMessages|Selected ClassesÇÇуF Z€€8°Èœ€‚‚ãV®Õ€‰€‚‚‚‚ã’ÆЛ€‰€‚‚ÿUse Messages|Selected Classes to trace messages going to a particular class. This command is only active if you've selected a class in the Class List pane.Changing the selection in the Class List pane will immediately change which windows have messages traced.Choosing Messages|Selected Classes when the Message Trace pane is hidden causes the pane to become visible.J ‚„1WŠÇ)ÿÿÿÿ„(†Messages|Selected WindowsCу^„' €8€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿMessages|Selected WindowsÊ„„(†F Z€ €8°Èœ€‚‚ãÒßff‰€‚‚‚‚ã’ÆЛ€‰€‚‚ÿUse Messages|Selected Windows to trace messages going to a particular window.This command is only active if you've selected a window in the Window Tree pane.Changing the selection in the Window Tree pane will immediately change which windows have messages traced.Choosing Messages|Selected Windows when the Message Trace pane is hidden causes the pane to become visible.E^„m†1Ç'Ô*ÿÿÿÿm†ï‡Messages|All Windows>(†«†' €.€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿMessages|All WindowsDöm†ï‡N j€í€8°Èœ€ãÒßff‰€ãV®Õ€‰€‚‚ã’ÆЛ€‰€‚‚ÿUse Messages|All Windows to trace all messages, regardless of what is selected in the Window Tree pane or the Class List pane.Choosing Windows|All Windows when the Message Trace pane is hidden causes the pane to become visible.C«†2ˆ1Ç+ÿÿÿÿ2ˆñ‰Messages|Trace Off<ï‡nˆ' €*€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿMessages|Trace Offƒ2ˆñ‰h ž€7€8°Èœ€ã’ÆЛ€‰€‚‚ã:(‡€€‰ã¿k߀‰€ãÓ·Ú€‰€‚‚ãGÌAú€‰€‚‚ÿChoose Messages|Trace Off to turn off message tracing. The Message Trace pane remains visible.Tracing resumes when you choose Messages|Selected Classes, Messages|Selected Windows, or Messages|All Windows.You can also use Stop! to turn off message tracing.?nˆ0Š1øÔc,ÿÿÿÿ0ŠéŠMessages|Clear8ñ‰hŠ' €"€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿMessages|ClearN0ŠéŠ3 6€œ€8°Èœ€ã’ÆЛ€‰€‚‚ÿChoose Messages|Clear to clear all messages in the Message Trace pane.AhŠ*‹1ùÿÿÿÿ-ÿÿÿÿ*‹â‹Messages|Options=éŠg‹' €,€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿMessages|Options...{H*‹â‹3 6€€8°Èœ€ãwâ0€‰€‚‚ÿMessages|Options brings up the Message Trace Options dialog box.Z)g‹<Œ1[ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ.ÿÿÿÿ<Œ=Message Trace Options dialog box overviewJ#⋆Œ' €F€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿMessage Trace Options dialog boxŒf<Œ& €Ì€8°Èœ€‚ÿThe Messages Trace Options dialog box is where you choose the types of messages you want to trace. P"†Œb. ,€D€>˜ˆ°¤œãÐeg®€‰‚ÿMessages to Trace check boxesqKÓ& €–€8°Èœ€‚ÿThe Messages to Trace check boxes choose the types of messages to trace.W)b*Ž. ,€R€>˜ˆ°¤œã§#耉‚ÿInterpret and Hex Values check boxeswQÓ¡Ž& €¢€8°Èœ€‚ÿThe Interpret and Hex Values check boxes determine the message display format.E*ŽæŽ. ,€.€>˜ˆ°¤œã„C'€‰‚ÿLog File check boxW0¡Ž=' €`€8°Èœ€‚‚ÿThe Log File check box logs traced messages.N掋1Ûÿÿÿÿ/ÿÿÿÿ‹ÇMessages to Trace check boxesG =Ò' €@€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿMessages to Trace check boxesqK‹OÀ& €–€8°Èœ€‚ÿThe MesÒOÀ=sages to Trace check boxes choose the types of messages to trace.IÒ˜À. ,€6€>˜ˆ°¤œã9@D€‰‚ÿAll Messages check boxX2OÀðÀ& €d€8°Èœ€‚ÿThe All Messages check box traces all messages.B˜À2Á. ,€(€>˜ˆ°¤œãÅï ‚€‰‚ÿMouse check boxS-ðÀ…Á& €Z€8°Èœ€‚ÿThe Mouse check box traces mouse messages.C2ÁÈÁ. ,€*€>˜ˆ°¤œã˜×J˜€‰‚ÿWindow check boxU/…ÁÂ& €^€8°Èœ€‚ÿThe Window check box traces window messages.BÈÁ_Â. ,€(€>˜ˆ°¤œãfúŠu€‰‚ÿInput check boxS-²Â& €Z€8°Èœ€‚ÿThe Input check box traces input messages.C_ÂõÂ. ,€*€>˜ˆ°¤œã{jS€‰‚ÿSystem check boxU/²ÂJÃ& €^€8°Èœ€‚ÿThe System check box traces system messages.Kõ•Ã. ,€:€>˜ˆ°¤œã(›3‚€‰‚ÿInitialization check boxe?JÃúÃ& €~€8°Èœ€‚ÿThe Initialization check box traces initialization messages.F•Ã@Ä. ,€0€>˜ˆ°¤œã"×Þô€‰‚ÿClipboard check box[5úÛÄ& €j€8°Èœ€‚ÿThe Clipboard check box traces clipboard messages.@@ÄÛÄ. ,€$€>˜ˆ°¤œãqä&€‰‚ÿDDE check boxO)›Ä*Å& €R€8°Èœ€‚ÿThe DDE check box traces DDE messages.GÛÄqÅ. ,€2€>˜ˆ°¤œã䀉‚ÿNon-client check box_9*ÅÐÅ& €r€8°Èœ€‚ÿThe Non-client check boxes traces non-client messages.EqÅÆ. ,€.€>˜ˆ°¤œã Õƒ<€‰‚ÿControls check boxX2ÐÅmÆ& €d€8°Èœ€‚ÿThe Controls check box traces control messages.BƯÆ. ,€(€>˜ˆ°¤œã$–½€‰‚ÿOther check boxb;mÆÇ' €v€8°Èœ€‚‚ÿThe Other check box traces all other types of messages.G¯ÆXÇ1uÿÿÿÿ„0ÿÿÿÿXdžÈAll Messages check box@ǘÇ' €2€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿAll Messages check boxîÄXdžÈ* "€‰€8°Èœ€‚‚‚‚ÿTurn on the All Messages check box to trace all ten subgroups of messages. Turn this check box off to select any or all of the message subgroups.The All Messages check box is on by default. @˜ÇÆÈ1 %ƒJ…1ÿÿÿÿÆÈ“ÊMouse check box9†ÈÿÈ' €$€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿMouse check box’jÆÈ‘É( €Ô€8°Èœ€‚‚‚ÿTurn on the Mouse check box to trace mouse messages. Here are the mouse messages that WinSight tracesÌÿÈ“Ê6 :€™€8°ìœ€‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚ÿWM_HSCROLLWM_LBUTTONDBLCLKWM_LBUTTONDOWNWM_LBUTTONUPWM_MBUTTONDBLCLKWM_MBUTTONDOWNWM_MBUTTONUPWM_MOUSEACTIVATEWM_MOUSEMOVEWM_RBUTTONDBLCLKWM_RBUTTONDOWNWM_RBUTTONUPWM_SETCURSORWM_VSCROLLA‘ÉÔÊ1„ˇ2ÿÿÿÿÔÊÎWindow check box:“ÊË' €&€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿWindow check boxÖ­ÔÊäË) €[€8°Èœ€‚‚‚ÿTurn on the Window check box to trace window messages.Here are the window messages that WinSight traces (those messages in lower case are undocumented Windows messages)¾ËéÍG \€}€8°ìœ€‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚ÿWM_ACTIVATEWM_ACTIVATEAPPWM_CANCELMODEWM_CHILDACTIVATEWM_CLOSEWM_CREATEWM_CTLCOLORWM_DESTROYWM_ENABLEWM_ENDSESSIONWM_ERASEBKGNDWM_GETDLGCODEWM_GETMINMAXINFOWM_GETTEXTWM_GETTEXTLENGTHWM_ICONERASEBKGNDWM_KILLFOCUSWM_MOVEWM_PAINTwm_painticonWM_QUERYDRAGICONWM_QUERYENDSESSIONWM_QUERYNEWPALETTEWM_QUERYOPENWM_QUITWM_SETFOCUSWM_SETFONTWM_SETREDRAWWM_SETTEXTWM_SHOWWINDOWWM_SIZEWM_WINDOWPOSCHANGEDWM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING)äËÎ& €€8°ìœ€‚ÿ@éÍRÎ1mJ…Q3ÿÿÿÿRÎVInput check box9΋Î' €$€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿInput check boxÔ«RÎ_Ï) €W€8°Èœ€‚‚‚ÿTurn on the Input check box to trace input messages. Here are the input messages that WinSight traces (those messages in lower case are undocumented Windows messages)Ï‹Îq7 <€Ÿ€8°ìœ€‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚ÿWM_CHARWM_CHARTOITEMWM_COMMANDWM_DEADCHARWM_KEYDOWNWM_KEYUPWM_KEYLASTWM_MENUSELECTWM_MENUCHARWM__ÏqÎPARENTNOTIFYWM_SYSCHARWM_SYSKEYDOWNWM_SYSKEYUPWM_SYSDEADCHARWM_TIMERWM_VKEYTOITEMsm_yomicharH _Ϲ( €@€>˜ˆ°¤œ€‚ÿNotification Control Messages ÒqÄ9 @€¥€8°ìœ€‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚ÿBN_CLICKED BN_DOUBLECLICKED BN_CLOSEUP BN_DBLCLK BN_DROPDOWN BN_EDITCHANGE CBN_CLOSEUPCBN_DBLCLK CBN_DROPDOWN CBN_EDITCHANGE CBN_EDITUPDATE CBN_ERRSPACE CBN_KILLFOCUS CBN_SELCHANGE CBN_SELENDCANCEL CBN_SELENDOK CBN_SETFOCUS EN_CHANGE EN_ERRSPACE ’_¹V3 4€¿€8°ìœ€‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚ÿEN_HSCROLL EN_KILLFOCUS EN_MAXTEXT EN_SETFOCUS EN_UPDATE EN_VSCROLL LBN_DBLCLK LBN_ERRSPACE LBN_KILLFOCUS LBN_SELCANCEL LBN_SELCHANGE LBN_SETFOCUS AÄ—1ˇ¤4ÿÿÿÿ—oSystem check box:VÑ' €&€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿSystem check box–n—g( €Ü€8°Èœ€‚‚‚ÿTurn on the System check boxes to trace system messages.Here are the system messages that WinSight tracesÒÑo6 :€¥€8°ìœ€‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚ÿWM_COMPACTINGWM_DEVMODECHANGEWM_ENTERIDLEWM_FONTCHANGEWM_NULLWM_PALETTECHANGEDWM_PALETTEISCHANGINGWM_POWERWM_QUEUESYNCWM_SPOOLERSTATUSWM_SYSCOLORCHANGEWM_SYSCOMMANDWM_TIMECHANGEWM_WININICHANGEIg¸1’Qs5ÿÿÿÿ¸Initialization check boxBoú' €6€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿInitialization check box®…¸¨) € €8°Èœ€‚‚‚ÿTurn on the Initialization check box to trace initialization messages.Here are the initialization messages that WinSight traces:Y/ú* $€^€8°ìœ€‚‚‚‚‚ÿWM_INITDIALOGWM_INITMENUWM_INITMENUPOPUPD¨E1@¤é6ÿÿÿÿEA Clipboard check box=‚' €,€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿClipboard check box£{E% ( €ö€8°Èœ€‚‚‚ÿTurn on the Clipboard check box to trace initialization messages. Here are the clipboard messages that WinSight traceså‚A 7 <€Ë€8°ìœ€‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚ÿWM_ASKCBFORMATNAMEWM_CHANGECBCHAINWM_CLEARWM_COPYWM_CUTWM_DESTROYCLIPBOARDWM_DRAWCLIPBOARDWM_HSCROLLCLIPBOARDWM_PAINTCLIPBOARDWM_PASTEWM_RENDERALLFORMATSWM_RENDERFORMATWM_SIZECLIPBOARDWM_UNDOWM_VSCROLLCLIPBOARD> %  1îsô7ÿÿÿÿ / DDE check box7A ¶ ' € €<œ°¦œ€‚ÿDDE check boxu S ( €ê€8°Èœ€‚‚‚ÿTurn on the DDE check box to trace dynamic data exchange messages.Here are the DDE messages that WinSight traces±‚¶  / ,€€8°ìœ€‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚ÿWM_DDE_ACKWM_DDE_ADVISEWM_DDE_DATAWM_DDE_EXECUTEWM_DDE_INITIATEWM_DDE_POKEWM_DDE_REQUESTWM_DDE_TERMINATEWM_DDE_UNADVISE+S / ' €€8°Èœ€‚‚ÿE t 1Réz 8ÿÿÿÿt Non-client check box>/ ² ' €.€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿNon-client check box xt R ( €ð€8°Èœ€‚‚‚ÿTurn on the Non-client check box to trace non-client messages.Here are the non-client messages that WinSight traces/÷² 8 >€ï€8°ìœ€‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚ÿWM_NCACTIVEWM_NCCALCSIZEWM_NCCREATEWM_NCDESTROYWM_NCHITTESTWM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLKWM_NCLBUTTONDOWNWM_NCLBUTTONUPWM_NCMBUTTONDBLCLKWM_NCMBUTTONDOWNWM_NCMBUTTONUPWM_NCMOUSEMOVEWM_NCPAINTWM_NCRBUTTONDBLCLKWM_NCRBUTTONDOWNWM_NCRBUTTONUPCR Ä17 ôžˆ9ÿÿÿÿÄ×JControls check box<' €*€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿControls check boxèÄ)A5 8€Ñ€8°Èœ€‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚ÿTurn on the Controls check box to trace control messages.WinSight traces these control messages (those messages in lower case are undocumented Windows messages)BM_GETCHECK BM_GETSTATE )A BM_SETCHECK BM_SETSTATE BM_SETSTYLE CB_ADDSTRING CB_DELETESTRING CB_DIR CB_FINDSTRING CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT CB_GETCOUNT CB_GETCURSEL èIC8 >€Ñ€8°Èœ€‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚ÿCB_GETDROPPEDCONTROLRECT CB_GETDROPPEDSTATE CB_GETEDITSEL CB_GETEXTENDEDUI CB_GETITEMDATA CB_GETITEMHEIGHT CB_GETLBTEXT CB_GETLBTEXTLEN CB_INSERTSTRING CB_LIMITTEXT CB_RESETCONTENT CB_SELECTSTRING CB_SETCURSEL CB_SETEDITSEL CB_SETEXTENDEDUI CB_SETITEMDATA CB_SETITEMHEIGHT CB_SHOWDROPDOWN ç)AhE8 >€Ï€8°Èœ€‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚ÿDM_GETDEFID DM_SETDEFID EM_CANUNDO EM_EMPTYUNDOBUFFER EM_FMTLINES EM_GETFIRSTVISIBLELINE EM_GETHANDLE EM_GETLINE EM_GETLINECOUNT EM_GETMODIFY EM_GETPASSWORDCHAR EM_GETRECT EM_GETSEL EM_GETWORDBREAKPROC EM_LIMITTEXT EM_LINEFROMCHAR EM_LINEINDEX EM_LINELENGTH çIC‡G8 >€Ï€8°Èœ€‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚ÿEM_LINESCROLL EM_REPLACESEL EM_SETHANDLE EM_SETMODIFY EM_SETPASSWORDCHAR EM_SETREADONLY EM_SETRECT EM_SETSEL EM_SETRECTNP EM_SETTABSTOPS EM_SETWORDBREAK EM_SETWORDBREAKPROC EM_UNDO LB_ADDSTRING LB_DELETESTRING LB_DIR LB_FINDSTRING LB_FINDSTRINGEXACT çhE¦I8 >€Ï€8°Èœ€‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚ÿLB_GETCARETINDEX LB_GETCOUNT LB_GETCURSEL LB_GETHORIZONTALEXTENT LB_GETITEMDATA LB_GETITEMHEIGHT LB_GETITEMRECT LB_GETSEL LB_GETSELCOUNT LB_GETSELITEMS LB_GETTEXT LB_GETTEXTLEN LB_GETTOPINDEX LB_INSERTSTRING LB_RESETCONTENT LB_SELECTSTRING LB_SELITEMRANGE LB_SETCARETINDEX 1‡G×J0 .€€8°Èœ€‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚ÿLB_SETCOLUMNWIDTH LB_SETCURSEL LB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT LB_SETITEMDATA LB_SETITEMHEIGHT LB_SETSEL LB_SETTABSTOPS LB_SETTOPINDEX STM_GETICON STM_SETICON@¦IK1æz ÿÿÿÿ:ÿÿÿÿKœOther check box9×JPK' €$€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿOther check boxÝ´K-L) €i€8°Èœ€‚‚‚ÿTurn on the Other check box to trace other types of messages. Here are the other messages that WinSight traces (those messages in lower case are undocumented Windows messages)çPKLN8 >€Ï€8°ìœ€‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚ÿwm_alttabactive wm_begindrag WM_COMMNOTIFY WM_COMPAREITEM wm_convertrequest wm_convertresult WM_DELETEITEM wm_dragloop wm_dragmove wm_dragselect WM_DRAWITEM WM_DROPFILES wm_dropobject wm_entermenuloop wm_entersizemove wm_exitmenuloop wm_exitsizemove wm_filesyschange Ù-Li€8 >€³€8°ìœ€‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚ÿWM_GETFONT wm_gethotkeywm_isactiveicon wm_lbtrackpoint WM_MDIACTIVATE WM_MDICASCADE WM_MDICREATE WM_MDIDESTROY WM_MDIGETACTIVE WM_MDIICONARRANGE WM_MDIMAXIMIZE WM_MDINEXT WM_MDIRESTORE WM_MDISETMENU WM_MDITILE LNi€×J WM_MEASUREITEM WM_NEXTDLGCTL wm_nextmenu 3LNœ1 0€€8°ìœ€‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚ÿwm_querydropobject wm_queryparkicon wm_setvisible wm_sethotkeywm_sizewait wm_syncpaint wm_synctask WM_SYSTEMERROR wm_systimer wm_testing U$i€ñ16x„;ÿÿÿÿñÒƒInterpret and Hex Values check boxesN'œ?‚' €N€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿInterpret and Hex Values check boxes“[ñÒƒ8 >€·€8°Èœ€ã’ÆЛ€‰€‚‚‚‚‚‚ÿThe Interpret and Hex Values check boxes determine the format of the Message Trace pane display.Turn the Interpret Values check box on to interpret message parameters and return values in a readable format.Turn the Hex Values check box on to display message parameters as Hex Values of wParam and lParam, and also return Values as Hex.C?‚„1¶ÿÿÿÿ<ÿÿÿÿ„ˆ…Log File check box<ÒƒQ„' €*€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿLog File check box7 „ˆ…* "€€8°Èœ€‚‚‚‚ÿTurn on the Log File check box to log trace messages to a file. Enter a file name in the input box below the check box. If the file already exists, messages are appended to the end of the file.To stop logging messages to the file, turn off the Log File check box.?Q„Ç…1ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ=ÿÿÿÿÇ…ˆ‡Message Groups8ˆ…ÿ…' €"€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿMessage Groups‰Ç…ˆ‡x ¾€#€8°Èœ€€€‚‚ãÅï ‚€‰‚ã˜×J˜‰‚ãfúŠu‰‚ã{jS‰‚ã(›3‚‰‚ã"×Þô‰‚ãqä&‰‚ã䉂ã Õƒ<‰‚ã$–½‰‚‚ÿMessages tracked by WinSight are listed under the following group headings. Click on a group to see the corresponding list of messages tracked by WinSight.Mouse Window Input System Initialization Clipboard DDE Non-Client Control Other Aÿ…ɇ1Oˆ>ÿÿÿÿɇˆŠStop! and Start!Bˆ‡ ˆ' €6€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿStop! and Start! commandTɇ_Š9 @€7€8°Èœ€‚‚‚‚‚‚ã'ê¿Â€‰€‚ÿThe Stop! command turns off all real-time updating in WinSight. Normally, all panes are kept current as classes are registered, windows are created and destroyed, and messages are received. This command is a toggle. When you choose Stop! to suspend activity, the command Start! is displayed. Choose Start! to resume activity.Using Stop! gives you a chance to study a particular situation. It also removes the overhead of having WinSight update itself constantly.You can also use Messages|Trace Off to turn off message tracing.) ˆˆŠ& €€8°Èœ€‚ÿ1_Š¹Š1Zÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ?ÿÿÿÿ¹ŠâŠ)ˆŠâŠ& €€8°Èœ€‚ÿ: ¹Š‹1¸Èÿÿÿÿ@ÿÿÿÿ‹šHelp menu3 âŠO‹' €€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿHelp menuî‹fŒ) €Ý€8°Èœ€‚‚‚ÿThe Help menu provides access to online Help, which comes up in a special Help window. One-line menu hints also appear on the status line at the bottom of the screen whenever you select a menu command.These are the Help menu commands €O‹q‹ 䀀8°ìœã:~Ì¡€‰€‚ãn{!¼€‰€‚ãÅhO€‰€‚ã7rŒ$€‰€‚ã««¸€‰€‚ã•œ[Ø€‰€‚㱞m·€‰€‚ãá«ÙÕ€‰€‚ÿIndex Finding WindowsTracing MessagesMenu CommandsKeyboardMouseUsing HelpAbout WinSight)fŒš& €€8°Èœ€‚ÿ; qÕ1:ÿÿÿÿ€AÿÿÿÿÕ ÀHelp|Index9šŽ' €$€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿHelp|Index (F1)Æ‚Õ ÀD V€€8°Èœ€ã:~Ì¡€‰€‚‚‚‚㱞m·€‰€‚‚ÿThe WinSight online Help comes with a contents screen that summarizes the organization and contents of the Help system. To get into the Help system from the index, choose one of the highlighted words or pictures on the contents: click it or Tab to it and then press Enter.If you don't know how to use a Help system under Windows, choose the Help|Using Help menu command.Ž ÀšEŽQÀ1c€BÿÿÿÿQÀÁHelp|Finding Windows> ÀÀ' €.€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿHelp|Finding WindowsLQÀÁ3 6€˜€8°Èœ€ã¦B䟀‰€‚‚ÿThe Help|Finding Windows command brings up help on locating windows.FÀTÁ1€È€CÿÿÿÿTÁÂHelp|Tracing Messages?Á“Á' €0€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿHelp|Tracing Messages€MTÁÂ3 6€š€8°Èœ€ã=L ‹€‰€‚‚ÿThe Help|Tracing Messages command brings up help on tracing messages.> “ÁQÂ1éc€DÿÿÿÿQÂüÂHelp|Commands<ÂÂ' €*€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿHelp|Menu Commandso<QÂüÂ3 6€x€8°Èœ€ãü!¿€‰€‚‚ÿHelp|Menu Commands brings up help on WinSight menus.> Â:Ã1éÈ€jEÿÿÿÿ:ÃåÃHelp|Keyboard7üÂqÃ' € €<œ°¦œ€‚ÿHelp|KeyboardtA:ÃåÃ3 6€‚€8°Èœ€ãæ ?€‰€‚‚ÿThe Help|Keyboard command brings up help on the keyboard.; qà Ä1àµFÿÿÿÿ ÄÅÄHelp|Mouse4 åÃTÄ' €€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿHelp|Mouseq> ÄÅÄ3 6€|€8°Èœ€ãN¤“怉€‚‚ÿThe Help|Keyboard command brings up help on the mouse.@TÄÅ1&jL‚GÿÿÿÿÅëÅHelp|Using Help9ÅÄ>Å' €$€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿHelp|Using Help­…ÅëÅ( € €8°Èœ€‚‚ÿThe Help|Using Help command displays information on how to use the WinSight Help system (or any other Help system under Windows).; >Å&Æ1+µÿÿÿÿHÿÿÿÿ&ÆÇHelp|About4 ëÅZÆ' €€<œ°¦œ€‚ÿHelp|About¼&ÆÇ- (€€8°Èœ€‚‚‚€‚ÿWhen you choose this menu command, a dialog box appears, showing copyright and version information. Click OK or Enter to close the box. 1ZÆGÇ1`ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿIÿÿÿÿGÇvÇ/ÇvÇ* $€ €8°Èœ€‚€‚ÿ= GdzÇ1€†Jÿÿÿÿ³ÇöÉControl menu4vÇçÇ% €€œœ€‚ÿControl menuê³ÇûÈ* "€Õ€°Â€‚‚‚‚‚ÿThe WinSight Control menu box is on the far left of the title bar. Click it once or press Alt+Spacebar to display the menu.The commands that appear on this menu affect the WinSight desktop.The WinSight Control menu commands areÓQçÇÎÉ‚ Ô€¢€XœG+‚EãóãNA€‰€‚ã(@€‰€‚ãð\ €‰€‚ãy=€‰€‚ãl΀‰€‚ãõG~ª€‰€‚ãÑNh€‰€‚ÿRestoreMoveSizeMinimizeMaximizeCloseSwitch to(ûÈöÉ% €€°Â€‚ÿ@ÎÉ6Ê1}ÿÿÿÿ…Kÿÿÿÿ6ÊsËControl|Restore7öÉmÊ% €$€œœ€‚ÿControl|RestoreÅ6ÊsËA P€‹€°Â€‚‚ãl΀‰€ãy=€‰€‚‚ÿWhen you choose the Restore command, the WinSight desktop window returns to its previous size.This command is available only if the WinSight desktop window is maximized or minimized. = mÊ°Ë1Ö:„L†Lÿÿÿÿ°ËIÍControl|Move4sËäË% €€œœ€‚ÿControl|Movee,°ËIÍ9 @€Y€°Â€‚‚‚‚ãl΀‰€‚‚‚‚ÿThe Move command moves the WinSight desktop window with your keyboard.Use your arrow cursor keys to move it and press Enter when you are done.You cannot use this command if the WinSight desktop is maximized.You can also move the window by dragging its title bar to the desired position.= äˆÍ1Ä…w‡Mÿÿÿÿ†Í ÏControl|Size4IͺÍ% €€œœ€‚ÿControl|SizeS†Í Ï7 <€9€°Â€‚‚‚‚ãl΀‰€‚‚ÿWith your keyboard, you can change the size of the WinSight desktop window with the Size command.Use your arrow cursor keys to move the window borders. Press Enter when you are satisfied with the window size.Size is available only if the WinSight desktop is not maximized.AºÍNÏ1aL†NÿÿÿÿNÏqControl|Minimize8 φÏ% €&€œœ€‚ÿControl|Minimize߶NÏq) €m€°Â€‚‚‚‚ÿSelecting the Minimize command turns the WinSight desktop into the WinSight icon†Ïq Ï.You can choose this command only if the WinSight desktop window has not been minimized already.A†Ï²1aw‡ÒOÿÿÿÿ²ÒControl|Maximize8qê% €&€œœ€‚ÿControl|Maximize迲Ò) €€°Â€‚‚‚‚ÿIf you choose the Maximize command, the WinSight desktop zooms to fill your entire screen.You can choose this command only if the WinSight desktop window has not been maximized already.> ê1?…PÿÿÿÿControl|Close5ÒE% € €œœ€‚ÿControl|CloseÌ£) €G€°Â€‚‚‚‚ÿThe Close command closes the WinSight desktop and unloads WinSight from memory.You can also click the close box in the upper left corner to close the window.BES1EÒ0QÿÿÿÿSVControl|Switch To9Œ% €(€œœ€‚ÿControl|Switch ToÊ—SV3 4€/€°Â€ãþ8“¦€‰€‚‚ÿThe Switch To command displays the Task List dialog box where you can switch from one application to another and rearrange application windows.NŒ¤1Ø…øRÿÿÿÿ¤.Task List dialog box overview<Và% €.€œœ€‚ÿTask List dialog boxŒg¤l% €Î€°Â€‚ÿYou use the Task List dialog box to switch to another application and rearrange application windows.Dà°- *€.€œˆ°œãÎÐ¥€‰‚ÿTask List list boxU0l% €`€°Â€‚ÿAll open applications are listed in this box.)°.& €€8°Èœ€‚ÿLz1<0`SÿÿÿÿzjTask List list box overview:.´% €*€œœ€‚ÿTask List list box²‰zf) €€°Â€‚‚‚‚ÿThe Task List list box lists all open applications.If the application you want is in the list box, double-click on it to choose it.Ê´j: B€•€PìX‚l€‚ƒ‚ƒ‚ƒã'¨ÜŒ€‰€‚ÿFrom the keyboard: -Press the Up or Down arrow keys to reach the application you want. -Press Enter to choose it. -Then switch to the application and rearrange windows with Action Buttons.?f©1íøÿÿÿÿTÿÿÿÿ©W Action Buttons6jß% €"€œœ€‚ÿAction Buttonsë©ö , &€×€PìX‚l€‚ƒ‚ƒ‚ÿAction buttons are used to switch to another application and rearrange application windows.-With the mouse, click the action button you want. -If you're using the keyboard, press Tab to go to the action button, then press Enter.3 ß) ' €€œˆ°œ€‚ÿSwitch TomHö – % €€°Â€‚ÿThe Switch To button switches to another application in the list box.2 ) È ' €€œˆ°œ€‚ÿEnd TasklG– 4 % €Ž€°Â€‚ÿThe End Task button closes the selected application in the list box.1 È e ' €€œˆ°œ€‚ÿCascadepK4 Õ % €–€°Â€‚ÿThe Cascade button arranges the application windows in an overlap style..e  ' €€œˆ°œ€‚ÿTilezUÕ } % €ª€°Â€‚ÿThe Tile button arranges the application windows in a tile fashion (side-by-side).7 ´ ' € €œˆ°œ€‚ÿArrange IconszU} . % €ª€°Â€‚ÿThe Arrange Icons button evenly spaces the icons across the bottom of the desktop.)´ W & €€8°Èœ€‚ÿ1. ˆ 1ZÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿUÿÿÿÿˆ ± )W ± & €€8°Èœ€‚ÿ1ˆ ÿÿÿÿ1ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿVÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ  ¨Helv @€ÿÿTimes New Roman@PASymbolerror: Out oArialry. error: OuTimesemory. 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