function insertBanner(bannerJson) {
jQuery('div#centralNotice').prepend( bannerJson.banner );
function toggleNotice() {
var notice = document.getElementById('centralNotice');
if (!wgNoticeToggleState) {
notice.className = notice.className.replace('collapsed', 'expanded');
} else {
notice.className = notice.className.replace('expanded', 'collapsed');
wgNoticeToggleState = !wgNoticeToggleState;
function toggleNoticeStyle(elems, display) {
for(var i=0;i';
$( '#siteNotice' ).prepend( ''+bannerScript+'
' );
'loadBannerList': function( geoOverride ) {
if ( geoOverride ) {
var geoLocation = geoOverride; // override the geo info
} else {
var geoLocation =; // pull the geo info
var bannerListQuery = $.param( { 'language': wgContentLanguage, 'project': wgNoticeProject, 'country': geoLocation } );
var bannerListURL = wgScript + '?title=' + encodeURIComponent('Special:BannerListLoader') + '&cache=/cn.js&' + bannerListQuery;
var request = $.ajax( {
url: bannerListURL,
dataType: 'json',
success: $.centralNotice.fn.chooseBanner
} );
'chooseBanner': function( bannerList ) {
// Convert the json object to a true array
bannerList = bannerList );
// Make sure there are some banners to choose from
if ( bannerList.length == 0 ) return false;
var groomedBannerList = [];
for( var i = 0; i < bannerList.length; i++ ) {
// Only include this banner if it's intended for the current user
if( ( wgUserName && bannerList[i].display_account ) ||
( !wgUserName && bannerList[i].display_anon == 1 ) )
// add the banner to our list once per weight
for( var j=0; j < bannerList[i].weight; j++ ) {
groomedBannerList.push( bannerList[i] );
// Return if there's nothing left after the grooming
if( groomedBannerList.length == 0 ) return false;
// Load a random banner from our groomed list
Math.floor( Math.random() * groomedBannerList.length )
'getQueryStringVariables': function() { /\??(?:([^=]+)=([^&]*)&?)/g, function () {
function decode( s ) {
return decodeURIComponent( s.split( "+" ).join( " " ) );
$[decode( arguments[1] )] = decode( arguments[2] );
} );
$( document ).ready( function () {
// Initialize the query string vars
if( $['banner'] ) {
// if we're forcing one banner
$.centralNotice.fn.loadBanner( $['banner'] );
} else {
// Look for banners ready to go NOW
$.centralNotice.fn.loadBannerList( $['country'] );
} ); //document ready
} )( jQuery );