Introduction to the information server exercise
In this section we demonstrate how to use the KLOCwork MSC to SDL Synthesizer in combination with Telelogic Tau. Specifically, we demonstrate how to
- create graphical MSC diagrams using Telelogic Tau MSC and HMSC editors
- use the KLOCwork MSC to SDL Synthesizer to simulate MSCs
- seamlessly generate graphical SDL models using MSC to SDL Synthesizer and view them in the Telelogic Tau SDL Editor
- perform early fault detection using the KLOCwork Synthesizer and the Telelogic Tau Validator
To perform all steps of this example, you need to have installed:
- Telelogic Tau
- Telelogic Tau C code generator and a C environment.
The source files for this part of the tutorial can be found in the following directory:
<KLOCwork MSC to SDL Synthesizer installation>/doc/examples/InfoServer