.TH TTCN Suite 1 "1 Mar 2000" "Version 4.1" .SH NAME itex - a TTCN editor .SH SYNOPSIS .B itex [ options ] ... .SH DESCRIPTION .I itex is a tool for creating and maintaining abstract test suites written in TTCN (ISO/IEC 9646-3). .LP For full documentation, read the \fBTelelogic Tau 4.1 User's Manual\fR. .br This manual entry is only intended for use as a compact description of the switches. .SH OPTIONS .I itex understands the following arguments and options: .TP .B .sdt Set .I itex to initially open the .I Organizer with the content of the specified file. .TP .B .itex Set .I itex to initially open the .I Organizer with the content of the corresponding .B .sdt file related to the specified file. The .B .sdt file is created if not already present. The .B .itex file need not already exist. .TP .B -access Set .I itex to retrieve TTCN Access operation rights. .TP .B +access Set .I itex to not retrieve TTCN Access operation rights. .IP There is an alternate form for this switch that has the same effect: .B -noaccess. .TP .B -autousermode Set .I itex to be in automatic user mode. This is the default. This mode will automatically select multiple user mode or single user mode behaviour separately for each TTCN system. .br This mode behaves as single user mode for TTCN systems containing a single TestSuite document and multiple user mode for all others. This switch has the same effect as setting the resource: .IP .B itex.multiUserMode:AUTO .TP .B -burstpageoff Reset the checkbox for printing a burst page in the .I Print dialog box. This switch has the same effect as setting the resource: .IP .B itex*burst.set:true .TP .B +burstpageoff Set the checkbox for printing a burst page in the .I Print dialog box. This switch has the same effect as setting the resource: .IP .B itex*burst.set:false .IP There is an alternate form for this switch that has the same effect: .B -noburstpageoff. .TP .B -collapselevel \fI\fB Set the initial collapse level used when opening the \fIMainBrowser\fR. Default value is 1. This switch has the same effect as setting the resource: .IP .B itex.mainBrowser.collapseLevel: .TP .B +collapselevel Set the initial collapse level used when opening the .I MainBrowser to the null value. This switch has the same effect as setting the resource: .IP .B itex.mainBrowser.collapseLevel:-1 .IP There is an alternate form for this switch that has the same effect: .B -nocollapselevel. .TP .B -doublesided Set the checkbox that directs the .I Print tool to format for doublesided pages in the .I Print dialog box. This switch has the same effect as setting the resource: .IP .B itex*double.set:true .TP .B +doublesided Reset the checkbox for formatting for doublesided printing. This switch has the same effect as setting the resource: .IP .B itex*double.set:false .IP There is an alternate form for this switch that has the same effect: .B -nodoublesided. .TP .B -firstpagenumber \fI\fB Set the initial value for the page number assigned to the first page in the .I Print and in the .I Generate SO dialog boxes. This switch has the same effect as setting the resource: .IP .B itex*firstPage.value: .TP .B -itexformat Set the checkbox for exporting TTCN documents into the TTCN Suite specific MP format in the .I Convert to MP dialog box. This is the default. .br This switch has the same effect as setting the resource: .IP .B itex*itexFormat.set:true .TP .B +itexformat Reset the checkbox for exporting TTCN Suite documents into the TTCN Suite specific MP format in the .I Convert to MP dialog box. This switch has the same effect as setting the resource: .IP .B itex*itexFormat.set:false .IP There is an alternate form for this switch that has the same effect: .B -noitexformat. .TP .B -landscapemode Enable landscape rotation in the .I Editor and .I Print tools. This switch has the same effect as setting the resource: .IP .B itex.landscapeMode:true .TP .B +landscapemode Disable landscape rotation in the .I Editor and the .I Print tools. This switch has the same effect as setting the resource: .IP .B itex.landscapeMode:false .IP There is an alternate form for this switch that has the same effect: .B -nolandscapemode. .TP .B -multiusermode Set .I itex to be in multiple user mode. This was the only mode in the 3.1x releases. .br This mode uses the \fIrevert files\fR (i.e. the files with an extra \fB#\fR in the file name) to administer multiple simultaneous uses of the same TTCN document file. This switch has the same effect as setting the resource: .IP .B itex.multiUserMode:MULTI .TP .B -newpagelevel \fI\fB Set the level at which a page break is always issued before each table printed. Default value is 2. This switch has the same effect as setting the resource: .IP .B itex.print.newPageLevel: .TP .B +newpagelevel Disable the level oriented page breaks. This switch has the same effect as setting the resource: .IP .B itex.print.newPageLevel:-1 .IP There is an alternate form for this switch that has the same effect: .B -nonewpagelevel. .TP .B -showemptylog Enable showing empty log windows on the screen. This switch affects most tools. It has the same effect as setting the resource: .IP .B itex*showemptylog:true .TP .B +showemptylog Disable showing empty log windows on the screen. This switch affects most tools. This is the default. .br It has the same effect as setting the resource: .IP .B itex*showemptylog:false .IP There is an alternate form for this switch that has the same effect: .B -noshowemptylog. .TP .B -singleusermode Set .I itex to be in single user mode. .br This mode suppresses creation and use of the \fIrevert files\fR (i.e. the files with an extra \fB#\fR in the file name) to reduce disk usage and increase speed in some operations. Note that this do not prevent usage of \fIrevert files\fR in the cases where the opened file is in MP format. This switch has the same effect as setting the resource: .IP .B itex.multiUserMode:SINGLE .TP .B -tableheight \fI\fB Set the initial height (in pixels) of the .I Editor windows. Default value is 400. This switch has the same effect as setting the resource: .IP .B itex.editor.height: .TP .B -tablewidth \fI\fB Set the initial width (in pixels) of the .I Editor windows. Default value is 614. This switch has the same effect as setting the resource: .IP .B itex.editor.width: .SH FILES .TP .I Itex The application resource file, this file contains the default values for the user-settable resources in TTCN Framework (\fIitex\fR) and the TTCN-SDL Co-simulator. This file may need to be edited to change the site-wide defaults for the resources (e.g. change the paper size from the default A4). Look in the \fIItex.sample\fR file for some examples. .TP .I Itex.sample This file contains descriptions of a set of scenarios that require local customization of the resource file and how the resource file should be modified for each of these scenarios. .TP .I mp-input2 The support program that creates the .I itex data files. .TP .I iedit2 This program contains the bulk of TTCN Framework. .TP .I iconcat This program is used to concatenate the working files (the files with extension \fB,s\fR and \fB,t\fR) to a new file that may be loaded into .I itex. Run this program without arguments to get a usage message. .SH "SEE ALSO" X(1), Xsun(1), Xserver(1), mwm(1), startx(1). .LP .I Telelogic Tau 4.1 User's Manual .LP .I TTCN Suite 4.1 Release and Documentation .LP .I TTCN Suite 4.1 Methodology Guidelines .LP .I TTCN Suite 4.1 Getting Started .LP .I Telelogic Tau 4.1 Installation Guide .SH ENVIRONMENT As TTCN Suite is built using the X11R5 libraries the resource file loading semantics is as implemented there. .TP .B DISPLAY This variable is used to get the default display. See also the .B -display switch described in X(1). .TP .B telelogicitex If there are multiple parallell TTCN Suite installations, this variable may need to be set for .I itex to find where the TTCN Suite installation is located. Users of the non default installation should set this variable to contain the name of the directory where the non default parallell installation of TTCN Suite is located. Users of a normal installation do not need to set this variable. .TP .B itexaccess, itexaccessroot, itexaccesscompiler These variables, primarily the first of them, are used when compiling the examples provided with \fBTTCN Access\fR. .TP .B XFILESEARCHPATH, XUSERFILESEARCHPATH, .TP .B XENVIRONMENT, XAPPLRESDIR .I itex resource file loading, like in any X Intrinsics based application, is affected by these variables. See ordinary X documentation about how they affect \fIitex\fR. Normal installation of TTCN Suite do not require any of these variables to be set. \".SH "DEFICIENCIES / BUGS" \"Many, here are a few: \".TP