.idrange 1000 1272 .version 1373595 1000 "Link Manager" 1001 "Link Manager Version %1. %2." 1002 "Link Manager" 1003 "Open Error" 1004 "Save LinkFile" 1005 "NoFile" 1006 "LinkView" 1007 "LinkManager" 1008 "1" 1009 "Information from:" 1010 "Statistics:" 1011 "online editing\n" 1012 "&File" 1013 "&Edit" 1014 "&View" 1015 "&Tools" 1016 "Co&nsistency Check..." 1017 "&Consistency Check..." 1018 "&Check Endpoints" 1019 "Check &Endpoints" 1020 "&Check Entities" 1021 "Check &Entities" 1022 "C&ollapse" 1023 "&New\tCtrl+N" 1024 "&Open...\tCtrl+O" 1025 "&Merge..." 1026 "&Save\tCtrl+S" 1027 "Save &As..." 1028 "&Print...\tCtrl+P" 1029 "&Close\tCtrl+Q" 1030 "&Highlight Entity" 1031 "&Replace Entity..." 1032 "&Highlight Endpoint" 1033 "&Replace Endpoint..." 1034 "&Create Link..." 1035 "&Link Details..." 1036 "Cl&ear Link\tDel" 1037 "&Expand" 1038 "E&xpand" 1039 "E&xpand Substructure" 1040 "Ex&pand Substructure" 1041 "&Collapse" 1042 "Co&llapse" 1043 "&Options" 1044 "&Window..." 1045 "&Link..." 1046 "&Entity..." 1047 "&Endpoint..." 1048 "Show &%1 in Editor" 1049 "&Show in Editor..\tCtrl+E" 1050 "&Show in Editor\tCtrl+E" 1051 "&Filter..." 1052 "&Set Scale..." 1053 "&On SDL Suite" 1054 "On &Link Manager\tCtrl+H" 1055 "S&earch..." 1056 "&About Link Manager" 1057 "Create a new, empty link file for this system" 1058 "Open a link file for this system" 1059 "Merge current data with another link file" 1060 "Save link file" 1061 "Save link information in a new file" 1062 "Print the contents of the window" 1063 "Close the Link Manager window" 1064 "Highlight endpoint for later use in Replace Endpoint or Create Link" 1065 "Move links between highlighted and selected endpoint" 1066 "Create a link between highlighted and selected endpoint" 1067 "Edit link attributes for the link above the selected endpoint" 1068 "Clear the link above the selected endpoint" 1069 "Show endpoints one level below the selected endpoint" 1070 "Show all endpoints below the selected endpoint" 1071 "Hide endpoints below the selected endpoint" 1072 "Show/hide tool bar and status bar, show endpoints or entities" 1073 "Control how links should appear" 1074 "Control how endpoints should appear" 1075 "Decide which links/endpoints to show" 1076 "Set window scale" 1077 "Show the Organizer" 1078 "Search for a link or endpoint text string" 1079 "Search again for the same text string" 1080 "Perform a consistency check operation" 1081 "Check endpoint consistency with source files" 1082 "Show the selected endpoint in an editor" 1083 "Show endpoint 1 in an editor" 1084 "Show endpoint 2 in an editor" 1085 "Show endpoint 3 in an editor" 1086 "Show endpoint 4 in an editor" 1087 "Show endpoint 5 in an editor" 1088 "Show endpoint 6 in an editor" 1089 "Show endpoint 7 in an editor" 1090 "Show endpoint 8 in an editor" 1091 "Show endpoint 9 in an editor" 1092 "Show an endpoint in an editor" 1093 "Show help on SDL Suite" 1094 "Show help on the Link Manager" 1095 "Search for help on keyword" 1096 "Show version and copyright information" 1097 "Save link file. (No dialog)" 1098 "Show endpoints or entities" 1099 "Perform a consistency check operation and present the result in the main window" 1100 "Highlight endpoint for later use in Replace Endpoint or Create Link" 1101 "Create a link between highlighted and selected endpoint" 1102 "Switch link direction in view" 1103 "Show/hide unused endpoints" 1104 "Search for a link or endpoint text string" 1105 "Search again for the same text string" 1106 "Move the selected endpoint down" 1107 "Move the selected endpoint up" 1108 "Show the Organizer" 1109 "Show help on the Link Manager" 1110 "Highlight entity for later use in Replace Entity or Create Link" 1111 "Move links between highlighted and selected entity" 1112 "Create a link between highlighted and selected entity" 1113 "Edit link attributes for the link above the selected entity" 1114 "Clear the link above the selected entity" 1115 "Show entities one level below the selected entity" 1116 "Show all entities below the selected entity" 1117 "Hide entities below the selected entity" 1118 "Control how entities should appear" 1119 "Decide which links/entities to show" 1120 "Search for a link or entity text string" 1121 "Check entity consistency with source files" 1122 "Show the selected entity in an editor" 1123 "Highlight entity for later use in Replace Entity or Create Link" 1124 "Create a link between highlighted and selected entity" 1125 "Show/hide unused entities" 1126 "Search for a link or entity text string" 1127 "Move the selected entity down" 1128 "Move the selected entity up" 1129 "Window Options" 1130 "Show:" 1131 "Tool bar" 1132 "Status bar" 1133 "endpoints" 1134 "entities" 1135 "Show:" 1136 "Links:" 1137 "Name" 1138 "Comment" 1139 "reverse first" 1140 "forward first" 1141 "Link Options" 1142 "Endpoint Options" 1143 "Entity Options" 1144 "Show:" 1145 "Type" 1146 "File" 1147 "Cardinality" 1148 "Not shown links" 1149 "Replace Entity" 1150 "Replace Endpoint" 1151 "Move links going" 1152 "to" 1153 "from" 1154 "Delete replaced and invalid endpoint" 1155 "Replace highlighted %1" 1156 "Replace selected %1" 1157 "highlighted %1" 1158 "highlighted %1 to" 1159 "selected %1" 1160 "selected %1 to" 1161 "Create Link" 1162 "Link Details" 1163 "Link %1" 1164 "Link name:" 1165 "Link comment:" 1166 "Select..." 1167 "to" 1168 "from" 1169 "Filter" 1170 "Filter settings for" 1171 "Select link names that should be " 1172 "links" 1173 "endpoints" 1174 "documents" 1175 "hidden" 1176 "shown" 1177 "Hide not linked endpoints" 1178 "Select link names that should be" 1179 "Select endpoint types that should be" 1180 "Select documents that should be" 1181 "Consistency Check" 1182 "Perform a" 1183 "link check" 1184 "entity match" 1185 "Consistency Check" 1186 "Performing a link check." 1187 "Performing an entity match." 1188 "\nSelect documents (modules) representing the FROM group." 1189 "\nSelect documents (modules) representing the TO group." 1190 "Consistency Check" 1191 "At least one document must be selected" 1192 "Check Endpoints" 1193 "Check Entities" 1194 "These previously unknown endpoints were found..." 1195 "...with the help of the Organizer:" 1196 "...with the help of editors:" 1197 "These invalid endpoints were found:" 1198 "Not existing endpoints and files" 1199 "Not existing endpoints, existing files" 1200 "O&ptions" 1201 "&Search...\tCtrl+F" 1202 "Search &Again" 1203 "Show &Organizer\tCtrl+1" 1204 "Show &%1 in Editor" 1205 "Show in &Editor...\tCtrl+E" 1206 "Save" 1207 "Show Endpoints Or Entities" 1208 "Consistency Check" 1209 "Highlight Endpoint" 1210 "Create Link" 1211 "Switch Link Direction" 1212 "Show Or Hide Unused Endpoints" 1213 "Search" 1214 "Search Again" 1215 "Move Down" 1216 "Move Up" 1217 "Show Organizer" 1218 "Help" 1219 "Save" 1220 "Save As" 1221 "New" 1222 "Delete current endpoints and links?" 1223 "Save file %1 before opening new file?" 1224 "Save Before Open" 1225 "Save" 1226 "No Save" 1227 "Open Link File" 1228 "Link File" 1229 "Merge Link File" 1230 "Overwrite existing file\n%1?" 1231 "Print Error" 1232 "Error when loading link file\n%1\nUnrecognized file format" 1233 "Could not open link file\n%1" 1234 "Clear %1\n%2from %3\n to %4?" 1235 "Clear Link" 1236 "Set Scale" 1237 "Set scale to: (%)" 1238 "Search" 1239 "Search for" 1240 "Ignore case" 1241 "Consider case" 1242 "Search Continue" 1243 "Continue search from the top?" 1244 "Search Ready" 1245 "Search string not found" 1246 "Check Entities" 1247 "Check Endpoints" 1248 "The Organizer contains unsaved documents.\nContinue anyway?" 1249 "Show in Editor" 1250 "Show endpoint number:" 1251 "endpoints" 1252 "endpoint" 1253 "not shown" 1254 "links" 1255 "link" 1256 "unconnected" 1257 "out" 1258 "in" 1259 "Opening link file..." 1260 "Saving link file..." 1261 "Removing all endpoints..." 1262 "Cannot create link\nwithout a name" 1263 "Consistency View" 1264 "Entity View" 1265 "Endpoint View" 1266 "Entity: " 1267 "Endpoint: " 1268 "External Link Manager" 1269 "Could not find the related ShowEndpointAnchor executable" 1270 "Could not execute command\n%1\n%2" 1271 "Updating endpoints..." 1272 "Rebuilding view..."