.idrange 0 923 0 "INFO 0 Internal error: message %1 not found" 1 "ERROR 1 Internal error" 2 "ERROR 2 Cannot open file: %1" 3 "ERROR 3 Cannot close file: %1" 4 "ERROR 4 Cannot delete file: %1" 5 "ERROR 5 Cannot rename file: %1 to %2" 6 "ERROR 6 Recursive definition of signal list %1" 7 "ERROR 7 More than one %1 is visible in Packages" 8 "ERROR 8 Ending identifier (%2) must be equal to defining identifier (%1) in a referenced definition" 9 "ERROR 9 Referenced definitions are not unique (%1)" 10 "ERROR 10 Number of instances must be lexically equal in referenced process definition and process reference" 11 "ERROR 11 Different virtuality attributes in reference and referenced heading" 12 "ERROR 12 A referenced definition may not reference itself" 13 "ERROR 13 No referenced definition matches reference" 14 "ERROR 14 Virtual start not allowed in operator definition" 15 "INFO 15 Required item %1 is not connected to a file" 16 "ERROR 16 Input %1 and output %2 should be different, aborting!" 17 "ERROR 17 Definition name may not be qualified when not a referenced definition" 18 "ERROR 18 Referenced definition (%1) is not referenced in the Package definition" 19 "ERROR 19 Referenced definition (%1) is not referenced in the system definition" 20 "ERROR 20 Invalid separate analysis unit" 21 "ERROR 21 Referenced substructure definition without name" 22 "ERROR 22 System definition may not occur as referenced definition to a system" 23 "ERROR 23 Illegally placed process context parameter" 24 "ERROR 24 Illegally placed procedure context parameter" 25 "ERROR 25 Illegally placed signal context parameter" 26 "ERROR 26 Illegally placed timer context parameter" 27 "ERROR 27 Illegally placed variable context parameter" 28 "ERROR 28 Illegally placed synonym context parameter" 29 "ERROR 29 Illegally placed remote procedure context parameter" 30 "ERROR 30 Illegally placed remote variable context parameter" 31 "ERROR 31 Illegally placed sort context parameter" 32 "ERROR 32 Illegal redeclaration of name" 33 "ERROR 33 Illegally placed gate definition" 34 "ERROR 34 %1 is not a time stamp file, will not save time stamps" 35 "ERROR 35 Invalid regular interval" 36 "ERROR 36 Integer literal expected" 37 "ERROR 37 Invalid generator parameter %1" 38 "ERROR 38 Illegal number of arguments" 39 "ERROR 39 More than one default assignment; last from generator %1" 40 "ERROR 40 Recursive instantiation of generator %1" 41 "ERROR 41 Undefined generator" 42 "ERROR 42 No virtual definition %1 in super of enclosing definition" 43 "ERROR 43 Ordering must not be defined more than once" 44 "ERROR 44 Name of formal parameter of class type must not equal name of generator %1" 45 "ERROR 45 Formal generator parameters of classes literal and constant mixed" 46 "ERROR 46 Only task, decision and transition option allowed in operator definition" 47 "ERROR 47 Only Join and Return allowed in operator definition" 48 "WARNING 48 Ending name (%1) in an asterisk state may lead to an error" 49 "ERROR 49 A state with more than one state name in the state list cannot contain an ending name (%1)" 50 "ERROR 50 Ending name (%2) must be equal to defining name (%1)" 51 "ERROR 51 Illegally placed virtuality" 52 "ERROR 52 Illegally placed context parameter" 53 "ERROR 53 Illegally placed virtuality constraint" 54 "ERROR 54 Illegally placed specialization" 55 "ERROR 55 Illegally placed instantiation" 56 "ERROR 56 Packages can only contain type definitions" 57 "ERROR 57 Undefined package %1 in use clause" 58 "ERROR 58 Illegally placed exported attribute" 59 "ERROR 59 Omitted actual context parameter" 60 "ERROR 60 Parameterized type %1 cannot be used as actual context parameter" 61 "ERROR 61 Undefined actual context parameter" 62 "ERROR 62 Illegal number of actual context parameters (>)" 63 "ERROR 63 Illegal number of actual context parameters (<)" 64 "ERROR 64 Illegal number of actual context parameters (0)" 65 "ERROR 65 Formal context parameter %1 cannot be used as super type" 66 "ERROR 66 Several matches" 67 "ERROR 67 No matching synonym or literal" 68 "WARNING 68 Optional parameter of sort %1 omitted" 69 "WARNING 69 Implicit remote variable, consider making it explicit " 70 "ERROR 70 Invalid import expression" 71 "ERROR 71 Signal %1 is shadowed in connection" 72 "ERROR 72 Invalid variable or attribute of variable" 73 "ERROR 73 Illegal use of parameterized signal" 74 "ERROR 74 Illegal use of parameterized sort" 75 "ERROR 75 Undefined timer" 76 "ERROR 76 No range condition equals true in transition option" 77 "ERROR 77 Undefined sort" 78 "ERROR 78 Error not allowed where constant required" 79 "ERROR 79 Variable expected" 80 "ERROR 80 In parameter expected" 81 "ERROR 81 Unexpected parameter" 82 "ERROR 82 Start transition required in instantiated type %1" 83 "ERROR 83 Start transition required in called procedure" 84 "ERROR 84 Procedure call not allowed where constant required" 85 "ERROR 85 Parameterized procedure cannot be called" 86 "ERROR 86 PId Expression or Process Identifier expected" 87 "ERROR 87 Pid expression in procedure call only allowed for remote procedures" 88 "ERROR 88 Undefined procedure" 89 "WARNING 89 Trailing parameter of sort %1 omitted" 90 "ERROR 90 Two range conditions equals true in transition option" 91 "INFO 91 Location of the global definition previously mentioned" 92 "ERROR 92 Undefined remote variable" 93 "ERROR 93 Label expected on first item in free action" 94 "ERROR 94 Formal parameters required in operator definition" 95 "ERROR 95 Recursive definition of parent sort %1 in syntype" 96 "INFO 96 Setlocale failed" 97 "ERROR 97 Undefined signallist" 98 "ERROR 98 New literal %1 must only occur once in literal renaming" 99 "ERROR 99 Old literal %1 must only occur once in literal renaming" 100 "ERROR 100 Illegal redeclaration of operator signature" 101 "ERROR 101 Unexpected remote variable" 102 "ERROR 102 Expression(s) in number of instances evaluates to error" 103 "ERROR 103 More than one sub signal is visible" 104 "ERROR 104 Undefined signal, timer, signallist, remote procedure or remote variable" 105 "ERROR 105 Remote procedure definition missing" 106 "ERROR 106 Recursive definition of synonym" 107 "ERROR 107 Gate must be connected" 108 "ERROR 108 Type mismatch for variable or formal parameter" 109 "ERROR 109 Signal refinement is not supported" 110 "ERROR 110 Only one varargs allowed" 111 "ERROR 111 Unexpected return value" 112 "ERROR 112 Return value expected" 113 "ERROR 113 Undefined state %1" 114 "ERROR 114 Undefined label %1" 115 "ERROR 115 Open range does not match" 116 "ERROR 116 Inherited operator %1 is not visible" 117 "ERROR 117 Old operator name %1 must only occur once in operator renaming" 118 "ERROR 118 New operator name %1 must only occur once in operator renaming" 119 "ERROR 119 Inheritance for %1 is circular" 120 "ERROR 120 Atleast constraint for %1 is circular" 121 "ERROR 121 Recursive sort inheritance" 122 "ERROR 122 Unexpected connect statement" 123 "INFO 123 %1 is one of the possible matches" 124 "ERROR 124 Signal expected in output" 125 "ERROR 125 Undefined channel or signal route in output via" 126 "ERROR 126 Set with no time expression is only allowed for timers with default duration" 127 "ERROR 127 Set must contain a time expression and a timer id" 128 "ERROR 128 Undefined process" 129 "ERROR 129 Created process must belong to the partition block %1" 130 "ERROR 130 Remote procedure input and signal list input must not have parameters" 131 "WARNING 131 %1 : signal not used in input or output" 132 "ERROR 132 Invalid procedure call" 133 "ERROR 133 State name %1 in asterisk state list must be contained in other state lists" 134 "ERROR 134 No state left to expand the asterisk with" 135 "ERROR 135 At least one state list must be different from asterisk" 136 "ERROR 136 Several virtual continuous signals in a state with same or no priority" 137 "ERROR 137 Virtual continuous signal is virtual in super type with same or no priority" 138 "ERROR 138 Redefined continuous signal is not virtual in super type with same or no priority" 139 "ERROR 139 Filter exited with error code" 140 "ERROR 140 External procedure not allowed" 141 "ERROR 141 Number of block instances not allowed" 142 "ERROR 142 No diagram to put definition in" 143 "ERROR 143 Start is already defined in super type" 144 "ERROR 144 Start is defined as finalized in super type" 145 "ERROR 145 Start is not defined as virtual in super" 146 "ERROR 146 Multiple exits from state %2 with signal, timer or remote procedure %1" 147 "ERROR 147 Virtual input %1 is already defined as input in state %2 in supertype" 148 "ERROR 148 Redefined input %1 is not defined as virtual input in state %2 in supertype" 149 "ERROR 149 Redefined input %1 is defined as finalized input in state %2 in supertype" 150 "ERROR 150 Redefined input %1 is defined as input in state %2 in supertype" 151 "ERROR 151 Finalized input %1 is not defined as virtual input in state %2 in supertype" 152 "ERROR 152 Finalized input %1 is defined as finalized input in state %2 in supertype" 153 "ERROR 153 Signal %1 is already defined as input in state %2 in supertype" 154 "ERROR 154 A state (%1) cannot contain both asterisk input and asterisk save" 155 "ERROR 155 A state (%1) may only contain one asterisk input" 156 "ERROR 156 A state (%1) may only contain one asterisk save" 157 "ERROR 157 Valid input signal set must be specified (in process/service %1) when no signal routes or channels are specified in the enclosing block/process (%2)" 158 "ERROR 158 Value returning procedure expected" 159 "ERROR 159 Type mismatch: sort %2 does not match %1" 160 "ERROR 160 In/out parameter expected" 161 "ERROR 161 Missing parameter" 162 "ERROR 162 Virtual definitions only allowed in types" 163 "ERROR 163 Virtual definition %1 does not conform to its virtuality constraint" 164 "ERROR 164 Redefinition of %1 does not conform to the virtuality constraint" 165 "ERROR 165 A gate with addition of signals can only occur in subtypes" 166 "ERROR 166 Definition of %1 exists already in super type" 167 "ERROR 167 A gate with addition of signals must already be defined in a super type" 168 "ERROR 168 Two gate constraints may not use the same direction in gate %1" 169 "ERROR 169 Undefined type %1 in gate endpoint constraint" 170 "ERROR 170 The two endpoint constraints of gate %1 is not consistent" 171 "ERROR 171 Undefined block, channel or signal route in connection" 172 "ERROR 172 Undefined block, process or service in path" 173 "ERROR 173 Selected diagram not in an SDL system" 174 "ERROR 174 Undefined type %1 in instance specification" 175 "ERROR 175 Undefined component %1/%2 in use clause" 176 "ERROR 176 Parameterized type %1 cannot be used as constraint type" 177 "ERROR 177 Undefined type %1 in constraint specification" 178 "ERROR 178 Substructure name in subtype and supertype must be the same" 179 "ERROR 179 Undefined type %1 in inheritance specification" 180 "ERROR 180 Undefined type %1 in virtuality constraint" 181 "ERROR 181 Environment must only appear in one connection" 182 "ERROR 182 The path %1 must only appear in one connection" 183 "ERROR 183 All subsignals to the channel %1 must be included in the signal lists of the subchannels" 184 "ERROR 184 Signal %1 must be included in the signal list of the inner paths" 185 "ERROR 185 Signal %1 must be included in the signal list of the outer paths %2" 186 "ERROR 186 In the implicit connection with %2 signal %1 is not included in any of the outgoing implicit signal routes" 187 "ERROR 187 In the implicit connection with %2 is signal %1 not included in any of the incoming implicit signal routes" 188 "ERROR 188 Actual context parameter %1 does not conform to the fpar constraint" 189 "ERROR 189 Actual context parameter %1 does not conform to the sort signature constraint" 190 "ERROR 190 Actual context parameter %1 does not conform to the atleast constraint" 191 "ERROR 191 Actual context parameter %1 does not conform to the process type constraint" 192 "ERROR 192 Actual context parameter %1 does not conform to the sort list constraint" 193 "ERROR 193 Actual context parameter %1 does not conform to the signal set constraint" 194 "ERROR 194 Block definition must contain process, block or substructure definition" 195 "ERROR 195 Block definition must contain process definition(s) when containing signal route definition(s)" 196 "ERROR 196 Block definition must contain process or block definition(s) when containing connection(s)" 197 "WARNING 197 Expansion of select definition is not yet implemented" 198 "ERROR 198 Substructure definition must contain at least one block definition" 199 "ERROR 199 Gate only allowed in paths with instance of a type or env in a type" 200 "ERROR 200 Undefined gate" 201 "ERROR 201 Connected to gate (%1) in wrong scope" 202 "ERROR 202 Connected instance %1 does not conform to the endpoint constraint of gate %2" 203 "ERROR 203 ENV does not conform to the endpoint constraint of gate %1" 204 "ERROR 204 Signal %1 in path is not an incoming signal of %3 gate %2" 205 "ERROR 205 Signal %1 in path is not an outgoing signal of %3 gate %2" 206 "ERROR 206 Via gate expected in env path with block type or process type" 207 "ERROR 207 Via gate expected in path with typebased instance" 208 "ERROR 208 Endpoints of the path %1 must be different" 209 "ERROR 209 Endpoint %1 of channel %2 must be a block or process" 210 "ERROR 210 Endpoint %1 of the path %2 must be locally defined" 211 "ERROR 211 The second path must denote reverse direction of the first path in %1" 212 "ERROR 212 Endpoint %1 of signal route %2 must be a process or a service" 213 "ERROR 213 Return not allowed here" 214 "ERROR 214 Process definition must contain either processbody or service decomposition" 215 "ERROR 215 Process cannot contain timer definition when decomposed into services" 216 "ERROR 216 Revealed and exported variables only allowed in process and service" 217 "ERROR 217 Complete semantic analysis requires a system" 218 "ERROR 218 Procedure cannot contain stop" 219 "ERROR 219 Undefined view" 220 "ERROR 220 Step expression requires a loop variable" 221 "ERROR 221 Break without name or continue are only allowed within a loop" 222 "ERROR 222 Variable used before it is defined" 223 "ERROR 223 A jump statement must be contained in a labeled statement with the given name" 224 "ERROR 224 No receiver found" 225 "ERROR 225 Two services cannot have the same signal (%1) in their valid input signal set" 226 "ERROR 226 Recursive package %1 in use clause" 227 "ERROR 227 Ending type keyword must match starting" 228 "ERROR 228 Not Charstring sort and no proper operator (Length, ...)" 229 "ERROR 229 Service signal routes cannot be specified when no signal routes are specified in the enclosing block" 230 "ERROR 230 Service decomposition must contain at least one service definition" 231 "ERROR 231 No proper Length operator found" 232 "ERROR 232 Recursive include of file %1" 233 "ERROR 233 Qualifier in component command not in SDL system" 234 "ERROR 234 More than one system" 235 "ERROR 235 Code generation requires a system" 236 "ERROR 236 Valid input signal set cannot contain a timer (%1)" 237 "ERROR 237 Two signals (%1 and %2) in the complete valid input signal set are on different refinement levels of the same signal" 238 "ERROR 238 Two signals (%1 and %2) among the output-signals of the process are on different refinement levels of the same signal" 239 "ERROR 239 Signal %1 in save cannot be received" 240 "ERROR 240 Signal %1 in input cannot be received" 241 "ERROR 241 Error creating directory %1" 242 "ERROR 242 Signal %1 in priority input cannot be received" 243 "ERROR 243 Actual in/out param sort %1 does not match %2" 244 "ERROR 244 Call procedure from expression or supply variable parameter" 245 "WARNING 245 Trailing parameter of sort %1 omitted" 246 "ERROR 246 Last param of procedure called from expr is not in/out" 247 "ERROR 247 Actual in/out param cannot be omitted" 248 "WARNING 248 License %1 will expire in %2 days" 249 "ERROR 249 Aborted by exit request" 250 "ERROR 250 Component and Thread commands requires a previous Program command" 251 "ERROR 251 Change directory: %1: %2" 252 "ERROR 252 Get work dir: %1: %2" 253 "ERROR 253 Connection with %1 is missing" 254 "ERROR 254 Connection with environment is missing" 255 "ERROR 255 Transition must end with a terminator" 256 "ERROR 256 Post Master" 257 "WARNING 257 Statement not reached" 258 "ERROR 258 Initial transition ends (directly or indirectly) with dash nextstate" 259 "ERROR 259 Ending name (%1) cannot be qualified (except for remote definitions)" 260 "ERROR 260 The outer channeldef must have the first connectionpoint (environment) as one of the endpoints" 261 "ERROR 261 Answers are not mutually exclusive" 262 "ERROR 262 The outer channeldef must have the first connectionpoint (block) %1 as one of the endpoints" 263 "ERROR 263 One of the endpoints of path %1 must be the scope unit %2" 264 "ERROR 264 The second connectionpoint %1 must be defined in the scope unit %2" 265 "ERROR 265 One of the endpoints of path %1 must be the environment" 266 "ERROR 266 System definition must contain at least one block or process definition" 267 "WARNING 267 Optional parameter of sort %1 omitted" 268 "WARNING 268 Gate must be connected" 269 "ERROR 269 Expression evaluates to error" 270 "ERROR 270 Selected definition not allowed here" 271 "ERROR 271 All packages must either be before or after the system" 272 "WARNING 272 No analysis is performed when the infile is empty" 273 "WARNING 273 No semantic analysis is performed when the input is not a system" 274 "ERROR 274 Compile and link exited with error code" 275 "ERROR 275 Lost license" 276 "ERROR 276 Cannot get license" 277 "ERROR 277 Cannot return license" 278 "INFO 278 Analyzer command could not be fully performed" 279 "ERROR 279 The number of block instances must be one or greater" 280 "ERROR 280 Unreachable path %1 in VIA" 281 "ERROR 281 Unreachable process instance set %1 in TO expr" 282 "WARNING 282 Several possible paths in VIA list" 283 "WARNING 283 Several possible paths" 284 "WARNING 284 Set-Case-Sensitive should be the first command to the analyzer" 285 "ERROR 285 Hex string literal must have an even length" 286 "ERROR 286 Bit string literal must have a length modulo 8" 287 "ERROR 287 Literal must be one octet long" 288 "WARNING 288 No matching answer for %2" 289 "ERROR 289 Expression in transition option evaluates to error" 290 "ERROR 290 External synonym not allowed" 291 "ERROR 291 Range check failed" 292 "ERROR 292 Maximal number of instances equals zero" 293 "ERROR 293 Maximum number of instances is less than initial number" 294 "ERROR 294 Not allowed to change remote procedure in redefinition" 295 "WARNING 295 Consider adding else answer" 296 "ERROR 296 Redefined or finalized procedure must be exported when base is" 297 "INFO 297 Error limit reached, terminating" 298 "WARNING 298 Accumulated expression depth: %1 parts: %2 matches: %3" 299 "WARNING 299 Expression depth: %1 parts: %2" 300 "ERROR 300 Command not found " 301 "ERROR 301 Unexpected end of command: %1" 302 "ERROR 302 Ambiguous command " 303 "ERROR 303 Parameter expected" 304 "ERROR 304 Macro must not be part of a qualifier" 305 "ERROR 305 Remote entity may only be exported once in a process" 306 "ERROR 306 No input specified" 307 "WARNING 307 %1: unknown, line ignored!" 308 "ERROR 308 More than one package match use statement" 309 "INFO 309 Location of the shadowed definition" 310 "ERROR 310 Selected item %1 is not connected to a file" 311 "ERROR 311 Signal %1 found in opposite direction in connection" 312 "ERROR 312 Syntax error in rule %1, symbol %2 found but one of the following expected:" 313 "ERROR 313 Syntax error, symbol %1 found but one of the following expected:" 314 "ERROR 314 Lexical error in rule %1, symbol %2 found but one of the following expected:" 315 "ERROR 315 Lexical error, symbol %1 found but one of the following expected:" 316 "ERROR 316 File %1 not found in environment variable %2 %3, check installation!" 317 "ERROR 317 Outside connect item %1 is locally defined" 318 "WARNING 318 %1 : signal not used" 319 "WARNING 319 %1 : timer not used in input" 320 "WARNING 320 %1 : timer not used in set" 321 "WARNING 321 %1 : signallist not used" 322 "WARNING 322 %1 : variable not used" 323 "WARNING 323 %1 : formal parameter not used" 324 "WARNING 324 %1 : synonym not used" 325 "WARNING 325 %1 : viewed variable not used" 326 "WARNING 326 %1 : remote variable not used" 327 "WARNING 327 %1 : sort not used" 328 "WARNING 328 %1 : generator not used" 329 "WARNING 329 %1 : label not used" 330 "WARNING 330 %1 : system type not used" 331 "WARNING 331 %1 : block type not used" 332 "WARNING 332 %1 : process type not used" 333 "WARNING 333 %1 : procedure not used" 334 "WARNING 334 %1 : package not used" 335 "available" 336 "ERROR 336 Input to Instance generator must be a system" 337 "ERROR 337 Operator diagram/definition not allowed where constant required" 338 "WARNING 338 %1 : operator diagram/definition not used" 339 "WARNING 339 %1 : operator not used" 340 "WARNING 340 %1 : remote procedure not used" 341 "ERROR 341 No matching variable, formal parameter, synonym or literal" 342 "ERROR 342 Literal %1 in literal renaming is not defined in parent sort" 343 "ERROR 343 No matching field selection, array element access or prefix operator" 344 "ERROR 344 No matching quoted operator" 345 "ERROR 345 No matching (. .)" 346 "ERROR 346 No visible variable or formal parameter with this name" 347 "ERROR 347 Type mismatch in component selection of variable or formal parameter" 348 "ERROR 348 No matching monadic operator" 349 "ERROR 349 No matching infix operator" 350 "INFO 350 %1 is one of the possible matching types" 351 "ERROR 351 No matching remote variable in variable definition" 352 "INFO 352 %1 is one of the visible definitions" 353 "available" 354 "available" 355 "ERROR 355 No matching remote variable in import definition" 356 "available" 357 "ERROR 357 No matching character string" 358 "ERROR 358 No matching choice primary" 359 "ERROR 359 Now not allowed where constant required" 360 "ERROR 360 No matching now expression" 361 "ERROR 361 Import expression not allowed where constant required" 362 "ERROR 362 PId expression not allowed where constant required" 363 "ERROR 363 No matching PId expression" 364 "ERROR 364 View expression not allowed where constant required" 365 "ERROR 365 Timer active expression not allowed where constant required" 366 "ERROR 366 Any expression not allowed where constant required" 367 "ERROR 367 No matching dereferencing operator" 368 "ERROR 368 Data base error" 369 "ERROR 369 No matching field selection" 370 "ERROR 370 Type mismatch for procedure return value" 371 "ERROR 371 Type mismatch for variable, formal parameter, synonym or literal" 372 "ERROR 372 No visible variable, formal parameter, synonym, literal or operator with this name" 373 "ERROR 373 No visible synonym or literal with this name" 374 "ERROR 374 Variable or formal parameter not allowed where constant required" 375 "ERROR 375 Type mismatch for synonym or literal" 376 "ERROR 376 Only one reference to each diagram allowed" 377 "ERROR 377 Keyword call required for procedure call" 378 "ERROR 378 Several macrodefinitions have the same name %1" 379 "WARNING 379 Macrodefinition %1 was never called" 380 "ERROR 380 Names separated by %, %1%%2, where neither is a formal parameter nor MACROID in macrodefinition %3" 381 "WARNING 381 Formal parameter %1 is never used in macrodefinition %2" 382 "ERROR 382 The macrodefinition name is %1, but the endmacro name is %2" 383 "ERROR 383 Two formal parameters with the same name %1 in macrodefinition %2" 384 "ERROR 384 No matching macrodefinition found" 385 "ERROR 385 A macro may not call itself" 386 "WARNING 386 No macro found" 387 "ERROR 387 Start transition expected" 388 "ERROR 388 Illegal redeclaration of operator definition" 389 "ERROR 389 No matching operator signature found" 390 "ERROR 390 This unexpected" 391 "ERROR 391 Context Parameter %1 not allowed" 392 "ERROR 392 Call this invalidated by adding parameters to sub type" 393 "INFO 393 Instance path to the problem in previous message" 394 "ERROR 394 Package Predefined expected, check installation" 395 "ERROR 395 Type mismatch for view expression" 396 "ERROR 396 Viewed variable %1 is not revealed in block %2" 397 "ERROR 397 Context parameters are not supported" 398 "WARNING 398 One line External formalism name expected on same line as alternative keyword" 399 "ERROR 399 Type mismatch for timer active expression" 400 "ERROR 400 Type mismatch for any expression" 500 "--------------------------------------------------" 501 "Number of errors: %1" 502 "Number of warnings: %1" 503 "Code generation completed\n" 504 "Code generation started\n" 505 "Command : " 506 "Conversion to PR completed\n" 507 "Macro expansion completed\n" 508 "Macro expansion started\n" 509 "Path table completed\n" 510 "Path table started\n" 511 "SDL Analyzer\n" 512 "Compile and link completed\n" 513 "Compile and link started\n" 514 "Semantic analysis completed\n" 515 "Semantic analysis started\n" 516 "Symboltable completed\n" 517 "Symboltable started\n" 518 "Syntactic analysis completed\n" 519 "Syntactic analysis started\n" 520 "Syntax table completed\n" 521 "Syntax table started\n" 522 "Syntax error in predefined data\n" 523 "Transport completed\n" 524 "Transport started\n" 525 "Pretty print completed\n" 526 "Pretty print started\n" 527 "Pr to Gr started\n" 528 "Pr to Gr completed\n" 529 "No information available\n" 530 "0 0 0 \"No Warnings and no Errors\"" 531 "0 %1 %2 \"Warnings and Errors, check organizer log!\"" 532 "0 %1 0 \"Warnings, check organizer log!\"" 533 "0 0 %1 \"Errors, check organizer log!\"" 534 "Information available:\n" 535 "Topic? " 536 "No information on %1\n" 537 "SDT-SYSTEM-%1.%2" 538 "Cannot init license\n" 539 "Making in %1\n" 540 "Conversion of %1 to PR started\n" 541 "Cannot clean up license\n" 542 "SDL Analyzer %1\nGMP Library %2\n" 543 "Syntax error in synonym file\n" 700 "ERROR 700 Not implemented: Max number of instances must be specified" 701 "ERROR 701 Not implemented: No input found in state" 702 "ERROR 702 Not implemented: Value returning procedure call of non-value returning procedure" 703 "ERROR 703 Not implemented: Error used in an expression" 704 "ERROR 704 Not implemented: Access to outer procedure dcl or fpar" 705 "ERROR 705 Not implemented: Import" 706 "ERROR 706 Not implemented: View" 707 "ERROR 707 Not implemented: ANY in expressions not implemented" 708 "ERROR 708 Not implemented: Process contains services" 709 "ERROR 709 Not implemented: Procedure with state" 710 "available" 711 "ERROR 711 Not implemented: Formal parameter to process" 712 "ERROR 712 Not implemented: EnablingCondition" 713 "ERROR 713 Not implemented: Priority input" 714 "ERROR 714 Not implemented: Continuous signal" 715 "ERROR 715 Not implemented: Input NONE" 716 "ERROR 716 Not implemented: Procedure input" 717 "ERROR 717 Not implemented: Question functions not available" 718 "ERROR 718 Not implemented: Timer with parameters" 719 "ERROR 719 Not implemented: Procedure inheritance" 720 "ERROR 720 Not implemented: Redefined or finalized procedure" 721 "ERROR 721 Not implemented: Block instance set" 722 "ERROR 722 Not implemented: Import/Export/Remote. TERMINATING without generating code" 723 "ERROR 723 Not implemented: EnablingCondition" 724 "ERROR 724 Not implemented: PriorityInput" 725 "ERROR 725 Not implemented: ContinuousSignal" 726 "ERROR 726 Not implemented: Create with parameters" 727 "ERROR 727 Not implemented: Create on unimplemented process" 728 "ERROR 728 Not implemented: Create on process not part of program" 729 "ERROR 729 Not implemented: Informal decision" 730 "ERROR 730 Not implemented: Unimplemented procedure" 731 "ERROR 731 Not implemented: Remote procedure call" 732 "ERROR 732 Not implemented: Call THIS" 733 "ERROR 733 Not implemented: Call of virtual procedure" 734 "ERROR 734 Not implemented: Missing parameter for return value" 735 "ERROR 735 Not implemented: ANY decision" 736 "ERROR 736 Not implemented: Missing procedure parameter" 737 "ERROR 737 Not implemented: Max number of instances not computable at code generation time" 738 "ERROR 738 Not implemented: Initial number of instances not computable at code generation time" 800 "ERROR 800 Internal error. Node = nil in %1" 801 "ERROR 801 Internal error. Incorrect node type in %1." 802 "ERROR 802 Too high number after #" 803 "ERROR 803 #n where n > 0 only allowed in generator instantiation" 804 "ERROR 804 Generated line exceeded MaxLineLength" 805 "ERROR 805 Internal error. Str = nil in WriteNameStringP" 806 "ERROR 806 Internal error. Id or Prefix = nil in CopyMasterText" 807 "ERROR 807 Internal error. Id = nil in CopyMasterText" 808 "ERROR 808 Internal error. Prefix = nil in CopyMasterText" 809 "ERROR 809 Non-digit in env variable SDTXPT" 810 "ERROR 810 In directive %1: Incorrect SDL name in directive" 811 "ERROR 811 In directive %1: No ( found after directive name" 812 "ERROR 812 In directive %1: No matching ) found" 813 "ERROR 813 In directive %1: A % found between ( and ) in directive" 814 "ERROR 814 In directive %1: No name found in directive" 815 "ERROR 815 In directive %1: ) or , expected" 816 "ERROR 816 In directive %1: Identifier could not be interpreted as name of entity class" 817 "ERROR 817 In directive %1: Empty string not allowed as parameter" 818 "ERROR 818 In directive %1: No ending ' was found in parameter" 819 "ERROR 819 In directive %1: Only one occurence of the letters I and P is allowed" 820 "ERROR 820 In directive %1: Only one occurence of the letters H, B, Q, G, S is allowed" 821 "ERROR 821 In directive %1: Illegal character" 822 "ERROR 822 In directive %1: A ' expected after the directive name" 823 "ERROR 823 In directive %1: Parameter expected in directive" 824 "ERROR 824 In directive %1: Integer parameter expected" 825 "available" 826 "available" 827 "available" 828 "available" 829 "available" 830 "ERROR 830 Not implemented: Make not available for #UNION or #UNIONC struct" 831 "ERROR 831 Not implemented: Infix operator must have one or two operands" 832 "ERROR 832 Not implemented: Call of external non value returning procedure in expression" 833 "ERROR 833 Not implemented: & can only be applied on DCL or FPAR" 834 "ERROR 834 Not implemented: Field selection on structured primary" 835 "ERROR 835 Not implemented: Field selection on choice primary" 836 "ERROR 836 Not implemented: Modify! of bit in octet" 837 "ERROR 837 Not implemented: #REF parameter must be variable or formal parameter" 838 "ERROR 838 Not implemented: Missing parameter in external procedure call" 839 "ERROR 839 Not implemented: Import VIA" 840 "ERROR 840 Not implemented: Timer active expression for timer with parameters" 841 "ERROR 841 Not implemented: #CODE with parameter <> charstringliteral" 842 "ERROR 842 Not implemented: Cannot generate makefile for only packages" 843 "ERROR 843 Template file not possible to open" 844 "ERROR 844 Not implemented: Implicit return at end of procedure" 845 "ERROR 845 Not implemented: Initial value expression contains value returning procedure" 846 "ERROR 846 Not implemented: Signal list name in input" 847 "ERROR 847 Not implemented: Exported procedure not visible at procedure input" 848 "ERROR 848 Not implemented: External exported procedure" 849 "ERROR 849 Not implemented: Recursive dependencies in sort" 850 "ERROR 850 Not implemented: PartialTypeDef with nameclass literal" 851 "ERROR 851 Not implemented: PartialTypeDef with charstring literal" 852 "ERROR 852 Not implemented: Newtype with several generator instantiations" 853 "ERROR 853 Not implemented: Component sort of General Array may not be or contain Own generator instantiations" 854 "ERROR 854 Not implemented: Index sort of Array may not be or contain Own generator instantiations" 855 "ERROR 855 Not implemented: Component sort of CArray may not be or contain Own generator instantiations" 856 "ERROR 856 Not implemented: Length parameter to CArray is undefined" 857 "ERROR 857 Not implemented: Illegal length parameter to CArray" 858 "ERROR 858 Not implemented: Emptystring parameter to String must be a name" 859 "ERROR 859 Not implemented: Component sort of Powerset may not be or contain Own generator instantiations" 860 "ERROR 860 Not implemented: Component sort of Bag may not be or contain Own generator instantiations" 861 "ERROR 861 Not implemented: Default value not allowed for #UNION" 862 "ERROR 862 Not implemented: First component in #UNION should be integer or enum sort" 863 "ERROR 863 Not implemented: First component in #UNION may not be a syntype" 864 "ERROR 864 Not implemented: Components with automatic memory handling (Free) not allowed in #UNIONC struct" 865 "ERROR 865 Not implemented: Struct component may not start with digit" 866 "ERROR 866 Not implemented: Choice component may not start with digit" 867 "ERROR 867 Not implemented: Cannot generate heading of infix operator" 868 "ERROR 868 Not implemented: Cannot generate function that corresponds to literal" 869 "ERROR 869 Not implemented: Cannot generate function body of infix operator" 870 "ERROR 870 Not implemented: Cannot generate function body of operator" 871 "ERROR 871 Not implemented: Cannot generate heading of user defined make! function" 872 "ERROR 872 Not implemented: Inherits of #UNION or #UNIONC struct" 873 "ERROR 873 Not implemented: #UNION, #UNIONC and bit fields not allowed in the same struct" 874 "ERROR 874 Not implemented: Cannot generate body of user defined make! function" 875 "ERROR 875 Not implemented: Operator diagram called in range condition in constants" 876 "ERROR 876 Not implemented: Too few literals in enum tag type" 877 "ERROR 877 Not implemented: Channel substructure" 878 "ERROR 878 Not implemented: Input * with enabling condition in global procedure" 879 "ERROR 879 Not implemented: More than one input none with enabling condition in a state" 880 "ERROR 880 Not implemented: Remote variable in signal list on channel or signal route" 881 "ERROR 881 Not implemented: Remote variable in signal list on gate" 882 "ERROR 882 Internal error. Virtual prd not found" 883 "ERROR 883 Not implemented: Context parameters" 884 "ERROR 884 Not implemented: Signal refinement" 885 "ERROR 885 Not implemented: Union component can only be selected on DCL or FPAR" 886 "ERROR 886 Not implemented: Optional component can only be selected on DCL or FPAR" 887 "ERROR 887 Not implemented: Choice component can only be selected on DCL or FPAR" 888 "ERROR 888 Not implemented: Dereferencing can only be performed on DCL or FPAR" 889 "ERROR 889 Not implemented: VIA ALL and #TRANSFER is incompatible" 890 "ERROR 890 Not implemented: Output via ALL, where channel is a channel to a block instance set" 891 "ERROR 891 Not implemented: Output via in a type, with signal in signal set of both directions of path unit (C)" 892 "ERROR 892 Not implemented: Operator diagram called in range condition in decision" 893 "ERROR 893 Not implemented: Answer in informal decision should be charstring literal" 894 "ERROR 894 Not implemented: Internal error: Un-named BREAK not in loop stmt" 895 "ERROR 895 Not implemented: TransitionOption" 896 "ERROR 896 Not implemented: In process with exported procedures: Call (direct or indirect) to global procedure with states." 897 "ERROR 897 Not implemented: Call of external value returning procedure in call statement" 898 "ERROR 898 Not implemented: Missing parameter in external procedure call" 899 "ERROR 899 Not implemented: Value returning procedure returning own value called as ordinary procedure" 900 "ERROR 900 Not implemented: Result of value returning procedure ignored" 901 "ERROR 901 Not implemented: ASN.1 type ANY" 902 "ERROR 902 Not implemented: Two units with same file name. No code generated" 903 "ERROR 903 Not implemented: This unit and unit in previous error would create files with same name" 904 "ERROR 904 Internal error: STP nil" 905 "ERROR 905 Not implemented: Operator diagram called in continuous signal or enabling condition" 906 "ERROR 906 Not implemented: Sender used in enabling condition" 907 "ERROR 907 Not implemented: Sender used in continuous signal" 908 "ERROR 908 Not implemented: Break out of unit with variables when label is not on compound statement or loop statement" 909 "ERROR 909 Not implemented: Length of CArray given as an expression" 910 "ERROR 910 Not implemented: Remote procedure call in compound statement" 911 "ERROR 911 No default constructor defined. Explicit initial value required" 912 "ERROR 912 Not implemented: External quoted operator with > 2 arguments" 913 "ERROR 913 Argument must be a constructor operator" 914 "ERROR 914 Argument must be parameterless constructor operator" 915 "ERROR 915 Dynamic allocation requires copy constructor operator. Not available in %1" 916 "ERROR 916 Assignment of constant field not allowed" 917 "ERROR 917 Operator corresponding to non-constant function %1 called for constant object %2" 918 "ERROR 918 Instantiation of abstract sort not allowed" 919 "ERROR 919 Not implemented: Class expression may not be absent in make operator call" 920 "ERROR 920 Not implemented: Carray, #UNION, #UNIONC expression may not be absent in make operator call" 921 "ERROR 921 Not implemented: bitfield as in/out parameter" 922 "ERROR 922 Not implemented: Field selection on Bit_string or Hex_string literal" 923 "ERROR 923 Not supported: Package generated by h2sdl (#C directive)"