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Use MSCs to rapidly prototype requirements

Jumping into coding too early and not understanding the requirements can result in developing a product that does not meet customer expectations. By using scenarios, you can describe functional requirements in an easily understood format that can be discussed with non-technical stakeholders.

  1. Use Telelogic MSC and HMSC Editors to capture functional requirements as scenarios that focus on the interaction between your system and its environment.
  2. Simulate MSCs by using the KLOCwork MSC to SDL Synthesizer and Telelogic Simulator UI.
  3. When you notice problem areas, go back to your MSC tool, add more scenarios to solve the problems. Rerun the Synthesizer to get the new SDL specification.
  4. Repeat this process until you are satisfied with your prototype (scenarios and SDL model).

See Also


About this tutorial

Use MSCs to jumpstart your SDL project

Use MSCs to perform automatic early fault detection

Use MSCs to automatically generate test cases

Use MSCs for architecture definition and validation

Use MSCs to design components

Use KLOCwork MSC to SDL Synthesizer for SDL training