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About this tutorial

This tutorial on the KLOCwork MSC to SDL Synthesizer contains a selection of best practices and examples intended to help you understand the key concepts related to the KLOCwork MSC for SDL Synthesizer. The KLOCwork MSC to SDL Synthesizer analyzes scenario models specified as a set of Message Sequence Charts (MSC) and High-level Message Sequence Charts (HMSC) and automatically synthesizes executable state machine specifications in Specification and Description Language (SDL).

This document contains the following parts:

Please refer to the KLOCwork MSC to SDL Synthesizer Reference Manual for systematic coverage of the installation, operations, and language-related issues of the tool. Please refer to the Cookbook of MSC Specifications for comprehensive examples of formal modeling with scenarios.

The KLOCwork MSC to SDL Synthesizer is a versatile tool. The following paragraphs illustrate how it can add value in the software development process.

See Also


Use MSCs to jumpstart your SDL project

Use MSCs to rapidly prototype requirements

Use MSCs to perform automatic early fault detection

Use MSCs to automatically generate test cases

Use MSCs for architecture definition and validation

Use MSCs to design components

Use KLOCwork MSC to SDL Synthesizer for SDL training