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Use MSCs to automatically generate test cases

The KLOCwork MSC to SDL Synthesizer can automatically produce test cases as early as the requirements definition phase.

During scenario modeling, the black-box behavior of the system under development is described by specifying desired interactions between the system and its environment. Thus, the scenario model contains both the description of the system and the description of the system's environment.

The KLOCwork MSC to SDL Synthesizer can selectively produce a partial SDL model only for the environment part of the requirements definition. This environment model can be used as a test suite for the subsequent integration testing phase.

See Also


About this tutorial

Use MSCs to jumpstart your SDL project

Use MSCs to rapidly prototype requirements

Use MSCs to perform automatic early fault detection

Use MSCs for architecture definition and validation

Use MSCs to design components

Use KLOCwork MSC to SDL Synthesizer for SDL training