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Part 3: Viewing Source MSC

The textual trace output demonstrated in the previous part of this exercise was not very intuitive. In this part of the exercise, we explore more advanced visualization capabilities provide by the KLOCwork MSC to SDL Synthesizer.

We use the source navigation capability of the KLOCwork MSC to SDL Synthesizer and Telelogic Tau to display all events from the execution trace in the graphical MSC Editor.

  1. Restart the current simulation by clicking on the Source MSC button in the buttons panel of the Simulator UI.
  2. Simulate the model by clicking the Transition button and selecting an appropriate path in the Path Selection dialog. The Tau MSC Editor appears showing one of the input MSC diagrams and highlighting the MSC event performed by the current transition. The text output panel of the Tau Simulator UI still displays the textual execution trace.
  3. Embedded JPEG 50%


In this part of the exercise, we used the source navigation capability of the KLOCwork MSC to SDL Synthesizer and Telelogic Tau to display all events from the execution trace in the graphical MSC Editor.

In the next part of this exercise, we will demonstrate producing graphical execution traces.

See Also

Simulate MSCs

Part 1: Starting MSC Simulation

Part 2: Controlling the Telelogic Tau Simulator UI

Part 4: Viewing an MSC trace