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Analyze MSCs

In this exercise we check correctness of our scenario model using the KLOCwork MSC Analyzer.


Make sure that the Telelogic Tau Organizer contains the module InfoServer with the four diagrams for the current example (InfoServer, Request_Init, Request_Data, and Request_Done).

  1. Click on the InfoServer module to select it. From the MSC to SDL menu, choose Analyze only.
  2. Embedded JPEG 50%

    The KLOCwork MSC to SDL Synthesizer automatically converts MSC and HMSC diagrams from graphical representation to phrase representation and runs the KLOCwork MSC Analyzer. The steps are reported in the Organizer Log.

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    Any errors found in the input HMSC model are reported in the Organizer Log. You can navigate to the source of an error in the graphical representation using one of the Telelogic Tau editors (HMSC Editor or MSC Editor).

  3. Let's introduce an intentional error into one of the diagrams using a graphical editor and explore the error reporting capability of the KLOCwork MSC Analyzer. Open the HMSC InfoServer by double-clicking on the corresponding icon in the Organizer. Select the Request_Init symbol and change the name of the referenced MSC to Request_Initxxx. Save the HMSC InfoServer by clicking the Save button in the quick button bar.
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  5. Select the icon for the InfoServer module in the Organizer and run the KLOCwork MSC Analyzer. The Organizer Log now contains the error message:
  6. 1: ERROR Reference to undefined MSC REQUEST_INITXXX

  7. Select the error message and click the Show Error button. The HMSC Editor opens and highlights the corresponding symbol on HMSC InfoServer.
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    The complete list of errors reported by the KLOCwork MSC Analyzer can be found in the KLOCwork MSC to SDL Synthesizer Reference Manual.


In this exercise we demonstrated the capabilities of the KLOCwork MSC Analyzer.

In the next exercise we will use the KLOCwork MSC to SDL Synthesizer to explore the behavior of our model by simulating MSCs.

See Also

Model: Information Server

Create MSC and HMSC diagrams in Telelogic Tau

Simulate MSCs

Synthesize the SDL model

Inspect the synthesized SDL model

Simulate the synthesized SDL model

Extend the Server model

Validate the extended Server model

Fix the problem and revalidate the MSC model

Add simulation controls from the environment

Run real-time simulation

Simulate system slice